A synopsis of the trending business of Smart Contract Based MLM On TRON
A synopsis of the trending business of Smart Contract Based MLM On TRON
The process that a user must follow for utilizing the benefits of a Smart contract based MLM on TRON is registration on the platform by entering the TRON wallet number, the smart contract automatically redirects 400 TRX to the user and assigns him/her the first level in the system, the user has to bring in at least 3 referrals, this will fetch a total earning of 1200 TRX

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The process that a user must follow for utilizing the benefits of a Smart contract based MLM on TRON is registration on the platform by entering the TRON wallet number, the smart contract automatically redirects 400 TRX to the user and assigns him/her the first level in the system, the user has to bring in at least 3 referrals, this will fetch a total earning of 1200 TRX

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