
"Api-ms-win-core-console-l1-1-0" is a type of "ApiSet Stub" "DLL" (dynamic hyperlink library) version. This is normally typically preinstalled using Home windows 7 and provides a file size of around 3 kilobytes. If you look at this dynamic processing program set closely, you will see that this kind of document is very small. You can find this type of file in computer unit with working systems like Home windows XP, Home windows Windows vista, Windows 8, and Home windows 7. These include the 64 bit and 32 bit operating systems as well. These DLL variations are related to consultants 3072 system documents.
The functions that you can see in this copy basically do not do anything. This simply returns "accurate" worth. By examining out the dependency walker utility, consultants you can clearly observe that system dynamic program established copies like "kernel32.dll" and "advapi32.dll" are recently statistically related to these seemingly unfilled api-ms-win-core documents.
The errors in the powerful computing consultants program group copies occur in your system even if the file seems insignificant.
The following are some errors that you can encounter with this dynamic program set copy:
Runtime errors
Home windows errors
The process has failed to commence because the DLL file configuration is not correct.
High CPU use rate for powerful computing application group file
There are various possible causes of these