
Vitamin and mineral drench for sheep
JG Animal Health offers vitamin supplements for cattleand a high specification organically chealated blend of over 20 essential traceelements and vitamins.
· Mineral Supplements For Sheep
Custom mix minerals. offers mineralsupplements for sheep with detailed forage analysis and your knowledge of yourlivestock requirements.
A high specification organically chelated multi-vitamintrace element supplement to help maintain micronutrient balance that effectsgrowth and immunity in growing lambs.
This drench combines 11 macro-minerals and trace elementswith13 vitamins. Animals should be drenched every 2-3 months at the rate of30ml per adult, 10ml per young cria.
Premier Cattle Drench
A high specification organically chelated blend of over 20essential trace elements and vitamins. Helps maintain micronutrient balancethat effects fertility by helping to improve the onset and strength of oestrusand immunity in bulls and suckler cows. A good product to use on all growing,store and fattening cattle over three month of age. Dairy replacements,finishing cattle as well as show stock requiring extra bloom.
Custom Mix Minerals Withdetailed forage analysis and your knowledge of your livestock requirements weare able to formulate either powder or buckets which will provide the exactmineral requirements required for your farm.
You will find this far more cost effective than a standardmineral that can be 'bought off the shelf', which may be good quality but maybe providing to much of what is in excess and not enough of what is deficient.
Available for free access in feed or in a bucket.
Premier Lamb Drench
A high specification organically chelated multi-vitamin traceelement supplement to help maintain micronutrient balance that effects growthand immunity in growing lambs. Ideal for all store and finishing lambs, orstock away from home. An ideal supplement to use at any time when handling androutinely at 6 weeks of age.
Premier Calf Drench
An ideal supplement for all calves under three months old. Ahigh sepecification organically chealted multi-vitamin trace element supplementto help maintain micronutrient balance that effects growth and immunity in allyoung calves. Exceptionally high vitamin E, selenium and B group vitamins.
Premier Camelid Drench
For a number of years customers have been using our sheep drenchformulations for Alpacas.
Following detailed research into minerals, trace elements andvitamins required for maintaining body function and performance Premier CamelidDrench was developed.
This drench combines 11 macro-minerals and trace elements with13 vitamins. Animals should be drenched every 2-3 months at the rate of 30mlper adult, 10ml per young cria.
Very high levels of vitamins D3 and B group, Helps reducehandling and stress, Helps to maintain fleece quality
Dry Bedding
A broad spectrum powdered disinfectant and ammonia neutraliserfor all livestock.
Anti-viral, antibacterial and anti fungal disinfectant powderfor livestock housing.
Ideal for use in stables, cow cubicles, lambing and calf pens.
Suitable for all ages and classes of livestock.
A unique seaweed based anti-fungal, anti-bacterial supplementfor all livestock bedding situations.
Contact us:
JG Animal Health.
Address: Windrush,Cradley, Malvern, Worcestershire WR13 5LF United Kingdom
Call us: 01886 880482
078666 07466