Two Way Radios Used and the Construction Trade ankerwireless
Two Way Radios Used and the Construction Trade ankerwireless
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Two Way Radios Used and the Construction Trade

Two Way Radios Used and the ConstructionTrade


One of the largest users of two-way radiosin the United States are Construction Companies on Commercial and IndustrialJobsites. These larger projects involve a lot of people, there's inherentsafety risks, and multiple tasks going on at the same time. Communication keepsthe jobsite secure, workers safe, and projects on task. Selecting the rightwalkie talkie for these jobsites isn't as simple as picking the most expensivewalkie talkie in the catalog. We know price is important and this article won'tend suggesting you buy the most expensive two way radio sold. There are anumber of questions you should ask before deciding which two way radio is rightfor you. Let's dive into the questions you should ask when picking a two wayradio for your jobsite.


How many Talk Groups do you need? The mainpurpose of usingtwo way radios is communicating with others on the jobsite. How manydifferent contractors are on site and how many must you communicate with? Wesee these typical channels in a commercial setting. Superintendent, Electrical,Safety, Tower Crane, Mechanical Contractor, and Labor. There are often manymore so most Construction Companies buy at least 16 channel two way radios.


How big is the project? The size of thefacility you are constructing determines the power needs of your two way radio.If your project is larger than a Super Walmart, you need 4 Watt Two Way Radios.Handheld two way radios come in 1, 2, 4 and 5 Watts with UHF an VHF modelsavailable. A Construction Company should never use VHF two way radios as UHFwill always work better once concrete and rebar are in place.


Should you go Digital? There are a numberof digital two way radios available. It is important to select a digital twoway radio that will work in both analog and digital modes because while youmight be progressive, other Contractors on the Jobsite might not be. Digitalgives you the benefit of talking to your Team Members individually, offersbetter clarity, and better battery life. Be careful to ask how easily you canswitch between analog and digital modes. Not all digital two way radios arecreated equally and digital two way radios might not be compatible with anothermanufacturer's digital two way radios.


Why you shouldn't buy recreational two wayradios. Besides the fact that you're buying a toy, recreational walkie talkiesaren't built to last so you'll end up spending more in the long run. Batteries,charging trays, and audio accessories for these models are all designed to beused occasionally, not every day as you'll need them. We aren't saying theywon't work, we are saying they won't work as well.


Do you need intrinsically safe two wayradios? You should only purchase intrinsically safe two way radios if yourinsurance company or OSHA mandates it. Using these two way models implies youhave a concern about an explosion. You're creating liability for your companyif you buy intrinsically safe two way radios and you don't need them.


Do you need an FCC License? This depends onthe frequencies you're using so an FCC license may be required. There are anumber of businesses who can assist with getting an FCC license and most securea 5-10 year license for under $1,000.00. We would be remiss if we didn't tellyou there are thousands of two way radios in use without the appropriate FCClicensing.


Why not cellular phones? Two way radios providealmost instant communication and they work where you're working without theneed cellular coverage. Cellular phones also don't allow for groupcommunication which is key during concrete pours, when the crane is in use, orwhen the Safety Manager's doing his thing.


Should we get a Two Way Radio Repeater?Repeaters complicate things and repeaters guarantee you'll need an FCC license.Repeaters need to be use when a skyscraper is being built, on airport jobsites,and large industrial facilities. Repeaters are also helpful when there'sdistance between the jobsite and the job trailers. If you're consistentlygetting bad call coverage with your 4 Watt commercial two way radios, aRepeater is a likely solution.

AnkerWireless, Inc. is leading the industry in two-way radio rentals across thecountry.