
Airlesspackaging is a fairly new field of packaging. The packaging doesn't have a holein the container like traditional packaging does; it instead has a largediaphragm which rises when the lid is closed, which creates a vacuum to safelyevacuate the contents. This is made possible because the air pressure insidethe bag is greater than the air pressure outside of the bag. In addition tothis, airless bags are also usually free-flowing and allow for greater productflexibility. This means that an air filled box can now be packed completelywithout any air in it, while at the same time it will still be connected to thetop of the box so that as it is continually opened and closed the vacuumcontinues on moving the product from one bag to the next.
Theprimary benefit of using airlesspackaging is that it allows forfaster product loading and faster dispatching. Using an airless packagingsolution allows you to dispense your product to your customers faster, and withless waste than you would encounter if your packaging was based on standardpackaging. Because there is no excess pressure added to the product duringpackaging, there is no need to use excess force to load your items, which alsoreduces overall product handling costs. Because the overall footprint isreduced, you will be able to contribute your share toward reducing greenhousegases.
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