Sickle Cell Anemia Therapeutics Market Size Share Trends Forecast 2026
Sickle Cell Anemia Therapeutics Market Size Share Trends Forecast 2026

Increasing occurrence of thedisease especially in the Africa region will drive the sickle cell anemiatherapeutics market

There is a growing need of earlydetection and prevention of curable diseases especially among the adults. Thisis going to be a key opportunity in the SickleCell Anemia Therapeutics Market as the percentage of adult population isincreasing on a daily basis owing to the rise in life expectancy among theglobal population. Additionally, the demand for safe and efficacious treatmentsis gaining prevalence in the market. This factor coupled with unmet medicalneeds among the patients will fuel the growth of the global sickle cell anemiatherapeutics industry.

According to the World HealthOrganization, around 5% of the population around the globe carries the gene forthe sickle cell disease. This percentage is as high as 25% in some of theregions around the world. According to the same report, WHO has estimated thatthe occurrence of sickle cell disease is highest in the African region. To meetthis crisis of high prevalence of the disease, WHO’s governing bodies has takeninitiatives to address the same. Moreover, according to PLOS Medicine, theoccurrence of sickle cell anemia is likely to rise by around 30% by 2050,especially in the sub-Saharan Africa. This rise in demand will eventually pushthe global sickle cell anemia therapeutics market into a positive growthtrajectory over the course of the forecast period (2016-2024).

Manufacturers around the world arecompeting on the availability of technologically advanced drugs for thetreatment of sickle cell anemia. Key players operating in the global sicklecell anemia therapeutics market are Bristol-Myers Squibb, GlycoMimetics,Pfizer,Anthera Pharmaceuticals Inc., GlycoMimetics, Inc., Eli Lilly, and MastTherapeutics.Some of the other manufacturers are Daiichi Sankyo, NovartisPharmaceuticals, Bluebird Bio, HemaQuest Pharmaceuticals Inc., Emmaus Medical,HemaQuest Pharmaceuticals, Baxter, and Merck Sharp & Dohme.

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A drastic reduction in the totalred blood cells or RBC count or hemoglobin is known as anemia. It can bedefined as the inability to carry optimum amount of oxygen by the blood.Sickle-cell diseases (SCD) are types of blood disorders which are usuallyinherited genetically. One of the common types of SCDs is the sickle-cellanemia or SCA. It essentially gives rise to an irregularity in hemoglobin, theprotein that carries oxygen in the blood. Hemoglobin is found typically in thered blood cells of the body. As a result a sickle-like shaped cell is formedunder certain conditions. Tribulations in sickle cell disease usually start totake shape at a very early age (within the first year of birth). This mightlead to various health problems including pain attacks also known as thesickle-cell crisis, swelling in the limbs, microbial infections, and in certaincases, stroke. Chronic pain may develop with age. Sickle-cell diseases arisewhen an individual inherits abnormal copies of hemoglobin gene from eachparent.

According to Center for DiseaseControl and Prevention, as of 2016, around 100,000 people in the U.S. areaffected by sickle cell diseases or SCDs. Sickle cell diseases are very commonamong black or African Americans. Around 1 in 13 babies belonging to the raceare born with sickle cell diseases. Growing prevalence of the disease will giverise to an increased demand for sickle cell disease prevention and cure,thereby augmenting the growth of the overall sickle cell anemia therapeuticsmarket.

The National Center forBiotechnology Information says that sickle cell anemia is one of the mostcommon hereditary hematological diseases among humans. Annually, around 250,000children are born with the disease and it is among the most occurringepidemiological genetic diseases worldwide. Governments around the world,especially in Africa are taking initiatives to prevent and cure the disease asa result of which, huge investments on this field are expected in the comingyears. This in turn will encourage the manufacturers around the world tomanufacture in large quantities to meet the unmet demand thereby propelling thegrowth of the sickle cell anemia therapeutics market.

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Key Developments

Research and development of noveltechnologies that may aid in treatment of sickle cell anemia is expected toboost the market growth. For instance, in July 2019, researchers from FloridaAtlantic University, in a study published in the journal ACS Sensors,demonstrated a microfluidic impedance assay that can monitor the dynamic cellsickling and unsickling processes. The novel technology is expected to improvethe monitoring of sickle cell disease.

Key players in the market arefocused on launching platform to screen drugs to treat sickle cell disease. Forinstance, in August 2019, ReachBio Research Labs started offering a drugscreening platform to assess fetal hemoglobin protein induction in drugcandidates for the treatment of sickle cell disease.

However, failing clinical trialsfor the treatment of sickle cell anemia are expected to hinder the marketgrowth. For instance, in August 2019, Pfizer Inc. announced that the Phase IIIRivipansel pivotal study, to evaluate the efficacy and safety of rivipansel inpatients aged six and older with sickle cell disease,  failed to achieve its primary or keysecondary efficacy endpoints.

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