
Pemirolast is an anti-histamine,which behaves as an anti-allergy or mast cell stabilizing agent. Pemirolastworks to reduce allergic reactions by inhibiting mast cell degranulation, whichstabilizes the cell membrane and inhibits the release of histamine and otherinflammatory mediators including leukotrienes and cytokines. Pemirolast can beeffectively used in combination with some other medications for the treatmentof allergies and asthma. Pemirolast has no known side effects when takenproperly. This natural medicine has been scientifically proven as effective inthe relief of allergic rhinitis and coughs and as an antihistamine.
Pemirolastand its chemical structure are very similar to the medications that are used torelieve allergic conditions. This natural medication relieves the symptoms ofallergic diseases like coughing, sneezing, runny nose, wheezing, andconjunctivitis. The study conducted on pemirolast showed that it is effectiveagainst allergic conditions in animals such as dogs, cats, and horses. It isalso effective against cockroaches and moths. Pemirolast was able to preventthe formation of mast cells that cause inflammation of the eyes and nasalmucous membrane.
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