
Technological advancements intransplantation procedures and established healthcare sector is fueling growthof organ transplant market
Regional segmentation of OrganTransplant Market by Coherent Market Insights comprises North America,Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Africa, and Middle East. North America andEurope region holds the maximum share in the organ transplant market, owing tosuccess of organ transplant surgeries and technological advancements in medicalsurgeries and drugs involved in transplantation. For instance in May 2016,Immucor, Inc., a global leader in transfusion and transplantation diagnostics,launched its kidney Solid Organ Response Test, kSORT. It is a molecular geneexpression assay that measures a kidney recipient’s immune response to predictorgan rejection and graft injury.
Organ transplantation is thesurgical operation carried out for replacement of damaged or not functionalorgan of an individual. Donated organ are obtained from living donor, deceaseddonor or from an animal. Whereas in some cases an artificial organ is used forthe transplantation procedure. The most common organ transplant includeskidney, heart, liver, pancreas, lung, and intestine. Double organ transplantationis also possible such as kidney and pancreas transplant and heart and lungstransplant.
Increasing number of populationsuffering from organ failure is driving the growth of organ transplant market
According to World HealthOrganization (WHO) Global Observatory on Donation and Transplantation in 2014,an estimated 119,873 organs were transplanted annually. Moreover, increasingnumber of chronic diseases leading to organ failure and habits such as smokingand drinking are further leading to organ disability, which is fueling growthof organ transplant market.
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According to Health Resources andServices Administration, till May 2017, there were around 117,829 patientswaiting for organ transplants in the U.S., among them about 97,610 were waitingfor kidney transplants. However, only 11,061 transplant procedures wereperformed from January to April 2017. Increasing number of population awaitingfor organ transplant and increase in mortality rate due to the inadequate organfor transplantation might create opportunities in the organ transplant market.
Furthermore, refinement andimprovement in surgical techniques and treatment strategies that are helping toincrease survival rate, launch of new anti-infective and immunosuppressiontechniques contributing to the lower risk of organ rejection aftertransplantation, and the development of organ preservation and organprocurements are some of the factors fueling growth of the market. Forinstance, in September 2015, Arthrex Inc. launched ArthroFlex Acellular DermalMatrix, a new orthobiologic product that is intended for use in capsularreconstruction. This product allows retention of its growth factors and nativecollagen scaffold and elastin allows transplant to be successfully incorporatedinto the receiver. However, high cost of transplantation, stringent ethicalpolicies, lack of reimbursement, organ trafficking, and low supply of organsare some of the factors restraining growth of the organ transplant market.
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Increasing awareness regardingorgan donation is expected to fuel growth of organ transplant market over theforecast period
Market players rely on organdonation, which is collected, stored, and distributed by them. Increasingawareness regarding organ donation is expected to create opportunities for theindustry players. However, factors such as proximity to key suppliers,understand the government policies, and get access to volunteer labor areimportant factors for market players to maintain leading position in organtransplant market.
Key players operating in organtransplant market include Organogenesis Incorporated, Terumo Co., OrganOX,Transplant Biomedical, Preservation solution, TransMedic, WorldHeart Co.,Waters Medical systems, and Jarvik Heart Incorporated.
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