
Market Size – USD 2.60 Billion in 2019, Market Growth - CAGR of 20.1%, Market Trends – Higher rates of adoption of neuromorphic computing for security purposes.
The newreport titled ‘Global Neuromorphic Processing Market’, published by EmergenResearch, is methodically curated by our team of analysts, keeping readers’understanding in mind, and includes a wide-ranging database of industrydistribution. The report takes a closer look at the historical and currentmarket scenarios to accurately predict the global Neuromorphic Processingmarket outlook over the forecast duration (2019-2027). Researchers have taken aholistic approach towards the global market analysis and highlighted thefactors that influence the overall growth of the market.
The global NeuromorphicProcessing Market is projected to reach USD 11.29 billion by2027, according to a recent report by Emergen Research. The primary factorsdriving the growth of the market include expansion within the sensors market;increasing demand for AI and machine learning; faster adoption of software inapplications like continuous online learning, predictive analysis, real-timedata streaming and data modelling; requirement for efficient ICs; acceleratingdemand for neuromorphic processing in applications like machine vision, videomonitoring and voice identification.
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GlobalNeuromorphic Processing Market – Overview:
The latest market intelligence report, titled ‘Global NeuromorphicProcessing Market’, is intended to provide the target audience with thenecessary information about the global Neuromorphic Processing industry. Thereport comprises a detailed analysis of the vital elements of the NeuromorphicProcessing market, including key drivers, constraints, opportunities,limitations, threats, and micro- and macro-economic factors. The reportcarefully investigates the present market scenario and the fundamental growthprospects. The report entails an organized database of the NeuromorphicProcessing market dynamics that helps market analysts estimate the globalmarket growth rate over the projected timeline.
Further key findings from thereport suggest
· In July 2019, an 8 million-neuron neuromorphic system namedPohoiki Beach was launched by Intel Corporation. It has 64 Loihi research chipsdeveloped for the research community. Pohoiki Beach allows the researchers toexperiment with brain-inspired research chip, Loihi in order to rescale theneural-inspired algorithms that comprises of sparse coding, path planning andsimultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM).
· The signal recognition technology is being utilized across awide range of applications, due to the rigorous advancements in computing powerleading to the widespread adoption of mobile and cloud-based engineering, whichmakes it the fastest growing application for neuromorphic computing. Black leadwhich is expandable in nature is the most preferred flame agent. This isbecause any business considers this as an environmentally friendly answer tothe matter.
Global Neuromorphic Processing Market Report – Table of Contents:
· Chapter 1 includes the global NeuromorphicProcessing market introduction, followed by the market scope, productofferings, growth opportunities, market risks, driving forces, and others.
· Chapter 2 broadly categorizes theNeuromorphic Processing market on the basis of geography, and determines thesales, revenue, and market shares of each region over the estimated period.
· Chapter 3 elaborates on thecompetitive outlook of the Neuromorphic Processing market, focusing on themajor manufacturers and vendor landscape.
· Chapter 4 exhaustively studiesthe key manufacturers of the Neuromorphic Processing industry, along with theiranticipated sales and revenue shares.
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ValuableMarket Insights:
· Thereport highlights the latest trends observed in the consumption pattern of eachregional segment.
· Extensivemarket segmentation included in the report helps better understand the revenueand estimated growth of the individual regions.
· Thereport throws light on the historical and current market scenarios and providesa concise year-on-year growth rate of the global Neuromorphic Processingmarket.
· Thereport further entails the current market trends, technological advancements,revenue growth, and other aspects affecting market growth.
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