
The naturalsweeteners market to witness high demand due to the increasing awarenessabout health benefits associated with consuming natural sweeteners such asstevia, Says Fortune Business Insights in a report, titled “Natural SweetenersMarket Size, Share and Global Trend by Product Type (High-Intensity Sweeteners,Low-Intensity Sweeteners), By Application (Food & Beverages,Pharmaceuticals, Personal Care), And Geography Forecast Till 2026”. Risingadoption of natural sweeteners due to their low-calorie content is expected tohave a positive impact on the global market.
Tata ChemicalsLaunches TataNx for Health Conscious Consumers
Tata chemical introduced TataNx, a 100% natural sweetenermade from stevia herb extract, lactose, and fruit extract. The product containslow glycaemic index (GI), targeting health conscious people as well as peoplewho have been advised by doctors to reduce their sugar intake or completelyeliminate sugar due to diabetes or obesity. Stevia contains zero calories andis said to be 300 times sweeter than ordinary sugar.
Besides Tata chemicals, several other companies are likelyto focus on product launch, impelled by the rising demand amonghealth-conscious consumers. Forinstance, Amyris, Inc. a leading producer of sustainable ingredients for health& wellness, flavors & fragrance, and clean beauty market, announced thecommercialization of its new sugarcane-derived sweetener.
The product claims to be a zero-calorie and completelynatural sweetener. The launch of natural sweeteners by prime companies arepredicted to contribute exponentially to the global natural sweetener market.
Increasing Prevalenceof Diseases to Foster Growth for Natural Sweeteners Market
The natural sweeteners market is expected to witnessconsiderable growth during the forecast period owing to the increasingprevalence of diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Thisfactor is fueling demand for natural and sugar-free products. The introductionof top-notch quality sweeteners by key players along with the rising adoptionof natural sweeteners due to its low-calorie content and great health benefitsare further predicted to boost the global natural sweeteners market.
Expensive prices of sweeteners, along with less pleasanttaste of natural sweeteners such as stevia are projected to hamper the growthof the natural sweeteners market in the forthcoming year.
By product type, the global natural sweeteners market hasbeen segmented into high-intensity sweeteners, and low-intensity sweeteners.High-intensity sweeteners are anticipated to be the fastest growing segmentshare during the forecast period owing to health benefits associated with them.
By application, the global natural sweeteners market hasbeen segmented into food & beverages, pharmaceuticals, personal care, andothers. Food & beverage segment is projected to generate major revenueduring the forecast years. Erythritol and stevia are extensively used as sweeteningagents in various food & beverage products, such as baked goods, fruitjuices, and various confectionery products.
Increasing consumer awareness regarding the negative effectsof consuming sugar is predicted to fuel the use of natural sweeteners in theproduction of food & beverage products.
Asia Pacific to Leadthe Global Market
Asia Pacific is expected to dominate the global naturalsweeteners market during the forecast period owing to the rising demand fornatural sweeteners and increase use of them in Asian food products such as,pastes, sauces, pickles and others. Increasing geriatric population and risinginclination of consumers towards healthy lifestyles are also boosting themarket of natural sweeteners in the region.
The North America market also is predicted to grow at asignificant rate. The rising prevalence of diabetes and obesity among thegeneral population is steering a major shift of consumption from conventionalto natural sweeteners. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC), in 2017, more than 100 million U.S. population was affected by diabetesor prediabetes. This Factor is expected to propel growth in North America.