
Bioelectric Medicine is arevolutionary concept that focuses on the study of bioenergetic systems withinthe body. These are the systems that serve as the body's "electrical"infrastructure. The systems include nervous tissue, muscle, fat, internalorgans, and the environment. By unifying these bioenergetic systems withelectrical signals, bioelectric therapists can effectively balance one's energyflow and improve overall health.
One of the main differences betweenBioelectronic and traditional medical approaches to treating these diseases isthat traditional methods attempt to manipulate the underlying cause of theailment. Bioelectricmedicine, on the other hand, attempts to affect the bioelectricproperties of the body at the cellular level. This approach has led to thedevelopment of a number of open-loops or closed-loop devices that allowbioelectric energy to flow through a device without altering the underlyingmolecular structures. These devices are often designed to act as naturalinsulin pumps, as well as facilitating the transportation of glucose throughoutthe body. As a result, bioelectric medicines can offer a cure for a range ofchronic health conditions.
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