
Asia Pacific newborn screening is used to screen infantssoon after birth for conditions that are treatable but not clinically evidentin the neonatal period. Infants are vulnerable to a variety diseases such aspolio, asthma, encephaliphitis, epilepsy, polio, chronic obstructive pulmonarydisease (COPD), respiratory disease, anemia, leukemia, diarrhea, and other rarediseases that results in substantial economic burden. Asia Pacific newbornscreening allows these conditions to be detected at birth, allowing the childto potentially lead a normal and healthy life. Newborn screening describesvarious tests that are performed during first few hours or days of an infant’slife. These tests have the potential to prevent serious health problems andprevent death.
Newborn screening is essentially a medical program ofintensive screening in newborn babies just before birth for treatableconditions, but not yet medically proven in the newborn age. Asia Pacific newborn screeninghelps to reduce the incidence of several conditions which may affect newborndevelopment, and even lead to death of the newborn, before the full term ofdelivery is reached. Screening is often recommended by pediatricians and otherhealth professionals, even though it is not covered by most health insurancepolicies. However, screening for certain diseases has been deemed necessary bymost regions in Asia Pacific.
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