
How to add ERC Token on MetaMask?
Once you have created ETH Token by TheTokenLauncher then it needs to be stored in cryptocurrency wallet like, MetaMask to buy, sell, store or swap. For that, the very basic thing to do is add your built ERC token to the MetaMask.
So we can see a step-by-step process of how to add the crypto token on MetaMask, below.
How to Add Your ETH Token in MetaMask?
Generally, the added tokens in the MetaMask will be listed under Assets sector.
If not, then you can add the token to MetaMask manually by the simple steps listed below.
Step - 1: Unlock the MetaMask with your password first.
Step - 2: Open the MetaMask by clicking the extension, then select Add token.
Step - 3: Then, two types of search section will be opened. If the token is a popular one then it can be easily identified via simple search tab.
Else, if its a new one then follow the below step.
Step - 4: Copy & paste your Token Contract Address and the rest of the two sections will filled automatically below.
Note: You can find the Token creation contract address in our application itself, once you have created the token. Else,
You can also lookout your token contract address at Etherscan by following link address Owner Address)
Step - 5: Click "Next"
Step - 6: Select "Add Tokens"
Step - 7: Then for the token a secret "Back Up" window will pop out which has the secret code. Copy that Phrase and save it in confidential place.
Step - 8: Then in the "Confirm Your Secret Backup Phrase" - select the phrase word by word properly and finally select "All Done" button.
Step - 9: All set done, your selected token will be listed in your account.
Thus, your ERC token is added to the MetaMask. Hope this blog will be useful and beneficial.
Thus, your ERC token is added to the MetaMask. Hope this blog will be useful and beneficial. Have the detail version with pic about, How to Add ERC token on MetaMask here...
To know more about how to create Ethereum token from the best Ethereum Token Generator just by following 7 simple steps, approach TheTokenLauncher.