How Small Dents And Waves Are Removed Through Comprehensive Metal Finishing
How Small Dents And Waves Are Removed Through Comprehensive Metal Finishing
Rusty lions new jersey Powder Coating Enhance metal surfaces with decorative and protective powder coating.

Theterm metal finish means different things to different people. The metalFinishing process includes the use of certain tools to remove small dents andwaves from the surface of the sheet metal on your car. It's a precise processby which you use slap files, medium grit sandpapers, and torches if you need toremove small dents and waves.

Somepeople would spend that extra time removing these small imperfections and notuse any filler to do it. But this doesn't mean that this is a better way toremove dents. If body filler is used the right way, it does a great job.

Metalfinishing to remove small dents takes a lot of time, and in the end, it hassome very specific drawbacks that you need to know about. So you can weigh outpossibilities before you go to this extreme. First of all, if time is aconcern, you'd better use filler to do the job.

Withall the advances that they've made in plastic fillers, they really are hard tobeat these days. The idea behind no filler dent and wave removal is obvious.First, you locate the area that needs work by hand, feeling for high and lowspots in the metal. Once you locate the affected areas, you need to determineif it's a high spot or a low spot in the metal. Using a sharpie to circle theaffected area and label it, you know what it is when you start the metal finishwork.

You'llneed to start out working the high spot with your slap file, with a lightweightdolly behind the high spot, the idea behind the slap file is to lightly slapthe high spot as you move the file forward at the same time, so you'd lightlyslap the dent with a forward motion.

Asyou slap the dent, the file will leave marks in the metal, and you'll need toremove these marks before you apply the primer to the car. This is where thesandpaper and sanding block comes into the picture - 80 grit paper to startwith and 180 to finish with.

It'salso a great way to remove the high spot that a welder leaves after you finishgrinding the weld off, but this usually still requires a little bit of metalglaze to finish it with, so it's not filler-free, but it will remove most ofthe high spot. After you have done the metal finish work, you can now spray itwith primer or feather fill, then primer. It's always recommended to use powdercoating for an awesome finish.

RustylionsPowder coating specializes in powder coating & Metal Finishing NJ formultiple types of businesses, from industrial manufacturing to metalfabrication to auto parts. Rustylions serve machine shops in finishingservices. For your powder coating requirements - Contact Rustylions Powdercoating at 1~347~613~8103/ 973~459-8515.