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GSG | Kirézor D2- kickstarter
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GSG | Kirézor D2

How tochoose a knife

So, you want a knife. It is a right and useful wish. A goodknife is useful in a variety of situations that are too long to list.Especially since the hike and picnic season is ahead, and knives are the numberone tool in nature.

If you want to understand how the number of additives insteel determines that the knife will grind after throwing it into a wild merl,then you are not here. This article has a completely different goal - toexplain how to buy a knife:

Nice cut,

Help in everyday situations,

Work without complicated care,

Must be sold at an affordable price.

That is, we will choose a knife, which is not ashamed toget, and has no pity to buy it.

What is the purpose of buying a knife

The knives are divided according to the differentindications in which the purposes will be used. For example, hunting, fishing,living under extreme conditions or simply cutting meat. Therefore, when we arelooking for a knife that is needed "in general", it is easy to getlost in the characteristics.

What to pay attention to when you choose a universalassistant? On the classics.

Do not try to find a knife with a thousand functions, wherethe normal blade is more important. Glass cutters or staplers, for example,will not interfere, but they are often not required.


Do not look for complex shapes of blades or specialsharpening. And don't take a knife for life: one thing is to order in the nameof the master, the other is to buy a tool for everyday needs.

By the way, knives that can be purchased in the generalstore without any problems and documents are not related to cold weapons. Buttrue sellers go with each knife with a certificate confirming their economic anddomestic purpose.

Foldable or fixed

This is an eternal question, but every day, perhaps, abetter folding knife. At least because it is more convenient to wear and doesnot bother with the scabbard. And in women's bags, a handy folding knife willfeel much better than a long blade in a scabbard.

How to choose size

The best knife is the one that is always with you. If thehouse is a pretty big knife, you can have as many as you want. But what is theuse of it, if you are uncomfortable with it?

So when choosing a knife, pay attention to the size of theblade and the weight of the knife.

Too short a blade would be useless (try cutting a 6cm knifewith at least one loaf of bread), too big - uncomfortable. The blade length of8-9 centimeters is good for everyday situations or for use in increments.

Depending on the weight, first of all, ease of use: onelikes light knives, one needs heavy ones. And secondly, sometimes every gram iscounted. And heavy knives are difficult to carry in belts or pockets - clothesare pulled.


In the photo above - a knife Ganzo 727M, which weighs only130 grams. This is a very easy option.

How to choose steel

The different types of knife parameters depend on the steelgrade, starting with the hardened hardness and strength, how this knife shouldbe sharpened.

Perhaps you are a big fan of everything that has stabs andcuts, so cleaning your weapons is a hobby. If not, choose stainless steel, thatis, steel with chromium content not less than 12%. Otherwise, with a knife, youwill get an unnecessary habit of dealing with it all the time.

According to the Rockwell scale the hardness of steel waschosen in the range of 58–60 units (this is a special system for measuringhardness, as you have already understood). No less necessary, as the knife muststill withstand various tasks and be strong. Even more so, because morerigidity leads to greater fragility. Hard edges can break, and they are verydifficult to sharpen.


For example: a knife Ganzo G720 from steel 440C, which hasbeen used for blades for half a century. Of course, during this time there weremore advanced creations on features, but here the price is already deciding. Ifa knife is required for business, and not for boasting, the 440C is a goodchoice. In addition, manufacturers have learned to process it very well, whichcannot be said of all alloys.

What to see is not necessary

For additional additives, if you are not a metallurgist.Since some additives are contained in steel at one-tenth of a percent and donot affect anything, with standard use. So should be guided by the steel brand.

How to choose a swing

The hands are all different sizes, everyone is used toworking in their own way, so it is difficult to conclude. As long as for"simple work" you might recommend leaning on modern materials ratherthan wood or leather. The latter can be incredibly beautiful, but they quicklydeteriorate and deteriorate. And modern materials - fiberglass, textolite andothers - are durable and very diverse.


If you order a knife through the internet, see that thehandle has a creative shape with ring marks on it. Otherwise, it is better tohold the knife in your hands and see if it is convenient for you.

How to choose system

If you are interested in a folding knife, the questionarises.

About the main thing in a nutshell: open the knife should beconvenient with one hand, and close - so as not to be without fingers.

Let's see what kind of locks can be found in the market.

Liner Lock - Most common, it is used for a long time. Inworking condition, the spring locks the heel of the blade. To close the knife,you need to press the bar, sometimes it is inconvenient to do with the lefthand. This type of lock has many types and modifications that stem from theclassic model.

Axis lock is an easy system for lefties and officers. Sincea fixator in working condition expands the blade pin, which must be moved toclose or open the knife. In addition, this design protects the knife fromunplanned folding. On the photo below - a knife Ganzo G704 with this lock.

Ganjo ji 704

The back lock is a complex lock in which the blade is fixeddue to the interaction of the blade and the slot at the heel of the blade. Withthis type of lock, it is important to adjust accurately on the details and thepresence of extra protrusion on the butt so that the knife does not fold byitself.

Compression lock is a relatively new technology that lookslike a liner lock from the outside, but in reality it is a more reliablemechanism that is convenient to use on any hand.