
The most commonly abused Over-the-Counter drugs include aspirin,benzodiazepines, and many others. Aspirin, the most commonly abused drug, isknown to cause a fast heart rate, dilated pupils, and confusion.Benzodiazepines are anti-anxiety and sedative drugs that are commonly abusedbecause of their ability to produce deep sleep. Another common Over-the-Countermedication that is widely available is cough syrup, often referred to as liquidnicotine, which is made from mixing ground cigarettes with hydrogenatedvegetable oil and then evaporating into a thick sweet liquid. Other commonlyabused drugs include antihistamines and decongestants, which are also commonlyabused.
Asa result of recent legislation introduced regarding the illegal distribution ofprescription medications, most states now require physicians to acquire priorauthorization or identification for patients who wish to purchase and prescribeprescription-strength medicine. In order to obtain this documentation, aphysician must complete an oral act of pharmacy, known as an OAT. OATs arestandardized and must be submitted to the state Board of Pharmacy on a monthly basis. Each OAT must contain all of the information that is required in order to determine whether a physician has the authority to prescribe or dispense aspecific class of drug under the provisions of the United States Food and Drug Administration. If a physician is found to have violated the law by submitting improper OAT, he or she may be held in contempt of court.
The sale of Over-the-Counter medications is not solely confined to the pharmaceutical industry. Cosmetic manufacturers, herbal product manufacturers,and producers of dietary supplements are also selling OTC medications. Although these products do not contain pharmaceutical ingredients, they are still subject to federal and state regulations. For example, dietary supplements that contain herbs, vitamins, and minerals are required to list the ingredients along with the claim that the product is considered a dietary supplement.Similarly, these drugs containing synthetic chemicals are required to display the warning "This product contains ingredients known to be harmful"and must also list the source of the ingredients.
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