Digital Medications (DM) have theability to deliver exact quantities and the precise effects of small doses ofprescription drugs on the human body under the right circumstances. DigitalMedications are not like powders or liquids that have to be mixed in the rightproportions. The right Digital dose of the medicine is delivered right to theorgan or tissue where it is needed most - fast and efficient with minimumadditional effort. In this new era of precision medicine, digital medicinesoffer new opportunities for patients and physicians to precisely delivertreatments. We believe the world will look different. Soon all physicians willcarry digital pills wherever they go whether they are traveling abroad or justshopping at the local pharmacy. As physicians become more comfortable andskilled with using handheld electronic medical devices, they will almostcertainly begin carrying the devices themselves. This will enable them todispense digital pills wherever patients need them most, as quickly aspossible, which will likely reduce physician's workload significantly.
There are exciting new developmentscoming out of Silicon Valley related to digital medicines. One such development is the implementation of electronic health records(EHR), which integrates different types of healthcare information into a singleintegrated system. Medical practices are adopting an EHR strategy to replace orsupplement their current paper-based patient data management system. Electronichealth records are expected to save healthcare organizations millions ofdollars per year in direct labor costs, reduce unnecessary duplication of testsand eliminate the need for EHR software upgrade/installation/configurationassistance.
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