
Cosmetic Dentistry MarketDrivers:
The CosmeticDentistry Market is expected to witness significant growth over theforecast period, due to launch of innovative products in the market andadvancements in technology of minimally invasive devices that are used in thecosmetic dentistry. For instance, in May 2018, Victoria House Foundation Inc.(VHF) launched R5, a state-of-the-art 5-axis grinding and milling machine. Itis a highly automated machine with a tenfold blank changer for both dry and wetmachining. In March 2018, Vericore LLC launched ZR Pro Zirconia, which is idealfor both anterior and posterior segments of the mouth. It has flexuralstrength, white and shaded discs, and esthetics in several thickness and isused to produce natural looking restorations from single to multiple-unitposterior bridges with satisfying results. In February 2018, 3D systems, aCanada-based company, launched Next Dent 5100 and 18 new Next Dent resins,which added 30 materials to Next Dent portfolio. It includes solutions forclinics and dental laboratories of all sizes ranging from small clinics to hugehospitals. This device facilitates high speed 3D printing of dental fixturesand devices.
Other factors that are expectedto boost growth of the cosmetic dentistry market include, increasing awarenessabout cosmetic dentistry, high demand for dental implants and orthodonticappliances, and increasing medical tourism. According to a survey conducted bythe American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry in 2015, around 84% of thepopulation go for whitening, bonding, and veneers.
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Cosmetic dentistry refers to anydental work that improves the appearance of gums or teeth. It focuses onimproving dental aesthetics in size, shape, color, position, and alignment. Itinvolves the addition of dental materials such as porcelain veneers, gumgrafts, crowns, and bonding to gums or teeth, and removal of teeth structureand gums through procedures such as enameloplasty, gingivectomy, teeth whitening,gum depigmentation, laser whitening, and teeth straightening. Laser whiteningis more effective as compared to other procedures for teeth whitening. Bondingin cosmetic dentistry involves the adhesion of a dentistry material onto bothsurfaces of the tooth, which is then sculpted, hardened, and polished. Dentalbridges are used to replace one or more missing teeth. Bridge, which is made upof abutments, can consist of over three teeth in total and the average life ofbridges is 10 years. Veneers are custom-made ultra-thin porcelain laminatesthat are bond directly to the teeth. They are used for enhancing the shape,closing gaps, and changing color of teeth. Dental implants are replacement formissing teeth and consist of three parts: implant devices made up of titanium,abutment, and a dental crown that is connected to the implant through theabutment. Gum lift raises and sculpts the gum line and reshapes the tissue andthe underlying bones to improve the appearance of the teeth.
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Cosmetic Dentistry MarketRegional Analysis:
North America is expected to holddominant position in the market over the forecast period, owing to launch ofnovel products in the region. For instance, in 2015, a U.S.-based company, WhipMix launched 3shape dental system, which provides technicians with automationand increased productivity. Europe is expected to witness significant growth inthe cosmetic dentistry market, due to advancements in technology. For instance,in 2017, Digital Smile Design (DSD) Clinic launched a new technology, whichuses aesthetic system with veneers and crowns. Asia Pacific is expected towitness significant growth over the forecast period, due to increasing numberof dental patients and favorable government policies. According to a surveyconducted by the Indian Dental Association in 2016, there will be a reductionof 7.5% to 5% on custom duties of surgical, medical, and dental equipment.
Cosmetic Dentistry Market KeyPlayers:
Key players operating in thecosmetic dentistry market include, Danaher Corporation, Align Technology,Dentsply Sirona, 3M, Zimmer Biomet, Biocon, Shofu Dental Corporation, ThommenMedical, and Den Tech.
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