
Cheap radiators
The Cast Iron Radiator Gives out Far More Energy-Efficient HeatThan Modern Steel Radiators
Why Cast Iron is good for efficiency
Many period homes, churches and public buildings discarded theiroriginal cast iron radiators, disconnected them from the system and threw themonto the scrap heap as old and outdated, replacing them with modern steelradiators. This trend began in the 1960's. As there were no more cast ironradiators being produced the cast iron radiator moved towards extinction.
· wallmounted cast iron radiators
Why Are Cast Iron Radiators Great For Energy Saving?
Many customers have commented on the better heat output withintheir homes since cast iron radiators replaced the modern radiators. Cast ironradiators are energy efficient radiators and a good energy saving radiatorchoice. Cast iron is far denser and heavier than steel, so the cast iron holdsthe heat for a far longer length of time once your boiler has been switchedoff. The cast iron radiator will gradually cool down whereas the steel radiatorwill lose its heat quicker, meaning a room space will cool in a much morequickly.
Studies have also shown that the conductivity of cast iron ishigher than that of steel, so the heat transfer from the cast iron radiatorsurface into the room is much better than steel. Steel tends to emit a blast ofheat in a short space of time whereas cast iron, although will take a littlelonger to reach temperature, will gently radiate an ambient heat over a muchlonger period of time. Higher amounts of carbon in cast iron allow it to retainheat for a longer period of time than steel. This high carbon content allowsheat to diffuse through the cast iron evenly, which means the surface conductsheat more efficiently, making the cast iron radiator a more energy savingradiator.
Will My Boiler Provide Better Energy Efficient Heating With CastIron Radiators?
Yes. Your boiler will benefit from cast iron radiators because thetemperature of the water that is returning is hotter when cast iron radiatorsare on your system as opposed to modern steel radiators. As your cast ironradiators will hold its heat better, and for longer, the water in the systemwill return to your boiler hotter making it more efficient, providing betterenergy-efficient heating.
Are Cast Iron Radiators More Efficient In A Modern Building?
Originally cast iron radiators were seen as more efficient forperiod homes only with their large rooms and high ceilings; however there are agrowing number of heating consultants and architects now specifying cast ironradiators for new properties due to the efficiency and better looking designchoices that enhance the rooms. As we move towards more energy efficientheating with the use of our energy resources, modern homes are now enjoying thebenefits of the efficient cast iron radiator on modern central heating systems