
Increasing usage of cathode materials in Lithium-ion batteries in Electric Vehicles and growing demand for consumer electronics are driving the demand of the market.
The newreport titled ‘Global Cathode Materials Market’, published by Emergen Research,is methodically curated by our team of analysts, keeping readers’ understandingin mind, and includes a wide-ranging database of industry distribution. Thereport takes a closer look at the historical and current market scenarios toaccurately predict the global Cathode Materials market outlook over theforecast duration (2019-2027). Researchers have taken a holistic approachtowards the global market analysis and highlighted the factors that influencethe overall growth of the market.
The global Cathode Materials Market is forecasted tobe worth USD 27.84 Billion in 2027, according to a new report by EmergenResearch. The growth of this market can be attributed to the growing demand forElectronic vehicles in the Developing economies. The increasing utilization oflightweight and chargeable batteries in consumer electronic products isexpected to drive the demand for the product.
The increasingdemand for uninterruptible power supply systems for industrial operations inthe manufacturing or chemical, or oil & gas industries results in thegrowing usage of cathode materials-based lithium-ion batteries. The ongoingtrend of energy conservation and increasing preference towards renewablebattery energy over fuel energy is a major contributing factor for thedevelopment of the industry.
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GlobalCathode Materials Market – Overview:
The latest market intelligence report, titled ‘Global CathodeMaterials Market’, is intended to provide the target audience with thenecessary information about the global Cathode Materials industry. The reportcomprises a detailed analysis of the vital elements of the Cathode Materialsmarket, including key drivers, constraints, opportunities, limitations,threats, and micro- and macro-economic factors. The report carefullyinvestigates the present market scenario and the fundamental growth prospects.The report entails an organized database of the Cathode Materials marketdynamics that helps market analysts estimate the global market growth rate overthe projected timeline.
Further key findings from thereport suggest
· In 2018, Hitachi Chemical Co., Ltd entered into a licensingagreement with Silatronix, Inc. to lengthen the life of the lithium-ionbatteries and improve the storage stability of the batteries at hightemperatures.
· Lead Dioxide held the largest market share of 32.3% in the yearof 2019 due to the increasing investments in the research and development bythe manufacturers of the cathode materials.
· The Lead-Acid battery is forecasted to grow with the fastestCAGR of 6.2% over the forecast period as the lead-acid batteries generaterecyclable & renewable energy and reduce the CO2 emission levels.
· The Automotive segment dominated the market with a share of42.4% in 2019 due to the reduction in the price of the Lithium-ion batteriesand shifting of preference of the automobile industries towards the applicationof sustainable and clean fuel.
Global Cathode Materials Market Report – Table of Contents:
· Chapter 1 includes the global CathodeMaterials market introduction, followed by the market scope, product offerings,growth opportunities, market risks, driving forces, and others.
· Chapter 2 broadly categorizes theCathode Materials market on the basis of geography, and determines the sales,revenue, and market shares of each region over the estimated period.
· Chapter 3 elaborates on thecompetitive outlook of the Cathode Materials market, focusing on the majormanufacturers and vendor landscape.
· Chapter 4 exhaustively studiesthe key manufacturers of the Cathode Materials industry, along with theiranticipated sales and revenue shares.
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ValuableMarket Insights:
· Thereport highlights the latest trends observed in the consumption pattern of eachregional segment.
· Extensivemarket segmentation included in the report helps better understand the revenueand estimated growth of the individual regions.
· Thereport throws light on the historical and current market scenarios and providesa concise year-on-year growth rate of the global Cathode Materials market.
· Thereport further entails the current market trends, technological advancements,revenue growth, and other aspects affecting market growth.
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