
BodyContouring Devices Market — Global Industry Insights, Trends, Size, Share,Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2018-2026
Bodycontouring is a process that involves alteration of human body by removal ofexcess fat pockets, thereby optimizing the human physique. These alterationsare generally employed on body parts such as upper arms, thighs, buttocks,torso, and chest. Body contouring helps improve the overall appearance of obeseindividuals who have previously lost a massive amount of weight and need to getrid of the pendulous fats that has lost elasticity and as a result of whichcannot be naturally toned. Body contouring involves use of various processessuch as body lifting, body fat transfer, bra line lift, implants, and abdominaletching. Most common procedure for body contouring is body lifting, which is asurgical process that removes the excess fat and sagging skin from body areassuch as thighs, buttocks, and stomach. On the other hand, body fat transfer isa process in which fat from one place is removed and transferred to anotherplace, thereby contouring and augmenting the shape of the body. There arevarious devices present in the market that are used in these fat removalprocess. These includes devices like skin tightening devices and fat reductiondevices.
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Body ContouringDevices Market – Dynamics
Recentadvancements in technology in aesthetics has enhanced the development of thebody contouring devices. Rising product launch by the market players foroffering advanced solutions in the potential market is expected to drive themarket growth over the forecast period. For instance, in September 2019, TheBaldan Group, announced to launch Le Shape, a 1060 nm diode laser for bodycontouring at the Clinical Cosmetic Regenerative (CCR) Expo, held in England,in October 2019. Le Shape is indicated for treating the upper and lower part ofabdomen, arms and hips.
Moreover,increasing rate of obesity is expected to propel growth of the global bodycontouring devices market over the forecast period. According to the WorldHealth Organization (WHO) factsheet, February 2018, around 1.9 billion adultsaged 18 years and above were overweight around the world in 2016, of whicharound 650 million were obese.
Accordingto World Health Organization’s data published in February 2018, since 1975,obesity has nearly tripled globally, and it was estimated that in 2016,globally, 39% of adults aged 18 years and above were overweight and around 13%were obese.
However,the high treatment costs of body contouring could hinder the market growth. Thereimbursement policies of these procedures does not include the cost ofaesthetic products that are used in the process which is another restraint forthe global body contouring devices market.
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BodyContouring Devices Market – Regional Insights
The NorthAmerica is expected to drive growth of the body contouring devices marketduring the forecast period, owing to the rising product approval by theregulatory agency. For instance, in May 2015, YOLO Medical Inc, received theU.S. Food and Drug Administration marketing approval for Lipofina, a lasersystem utilizing thermoregulation technology for body contouring.
Risingproduct launch by the market players in the Europe is expected to gainsignificant growth in the body contouring devices market over the forecastperiod. For instance, in March 2017, The Baldan Group, an Italy basedmanufacturer of aesthetics products, launched T-Shape and HIFU Lab aestheticsystem in the U.K. The system is combination of three technologies such asradio-frequency, infrared and vacuum, used for body contouring by fatreduction, cellulite reduction, body remodeling, and skin tightening &lifting.
Key playersin the body contouring devices market:
Some of thekey players operating in the body contouring devices market includes Cynosure,Meridian Co. Ltd., Syneron Medical Ltd., Lumenis, Alma Lasers, Ltd and PalomarMedical Technologies.
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