
Galleydesign is by no means a modern invention. Originally, they were used to provideeasy access to the pilot and the aircraft men. These early designs had largedrawers under the seats that were meant for storage. These days, most pilotsprefer to keep their aircraft galley equipment on-board. This allows them easyaccess to all of their gear. This also reduces the amount of clutter that theyhave to deal with. While it may have been possible to get away with placingeverything in the overhead bins when these fixtures were first invented, it isnearly impossible to do so now. Cabinets are too big, and they take up too muchspace.
Thereason that the onboard aircraft galley equipment is so popular is that itmakes making and transporting food much easier. It can be transferred from onepassenger to another, without having to disturb the other passengers. Aircraftgalley equipment also saves space. It is not practical to expect all of thecurrent commercial planes to have aircraft galley equipment. Since aircraftgalley equipment is so lightweight, it makes it very easy to transport.
Today,the aircraft galley equipment enables the installation of a better alternativeto overhead storage cabinets. The aircraft galley equipment is designed to be easy to use and to quickly set upand takedown. When used in aircraft they provide more space, and more storageoptions, than overhead cabinets. They are also easier to maintain and transportthan an aircraft wing.
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