
Our Security agency prioritize Security camera AI which takes visual data collected by a connected security camera system and tries to identify what’s happening. With AI camera system you can find intruders, our on-site security team to their location immediately without the need for human intervention. This massively improves speed of response for break-ins, robberies and other incidents. We provide manual training to our security guards to safe guard your assets with latest technology.
Gardozo is a leading security agency in Bangalore which provide one of the best security services in our region. Our AI Camera Threat Protection allows us to keep an eye on all the activities takes place in a particular area which helps in providing a sense of security to you. We are one of the independent agency which always thinks to provide you with the best security needs.
We provide our security guards with latest tools and technology so that they can provide security to your commercials and take care of your assets. It will also help you to detect any suspicious activity taken place at any certain event.