
IM Solutions has a wide range of options for Advertisement Activities in Cafes, Gyms, Supermarkets and restaurants in Bangalore. Coffee shops are great places for communications both business and personal. The relaxed ambiance helps to strike a chord with the people and helps in smooth interaction. Advertise with Cafe’s to promote your brand, target young people and teenage youth audiences. Best Advertisement in Cafes in Bangalore gives you a greater visibility for your brand and location wise intended target audience can be reached.
Brand activation through Best Advertisement in Gyms Bangalore, by IM Solutions helps in strong brand recall.By partnering with a gym marketing company, a fitness center gains a way to target a specific audience with professional branding, content and offers. Gym advertising makes marketing decisions backed by data and research instead of blind faith. Posters can also be placed at prominent spots inside the Gyms which will have a 100% view ratio thus ensuring the reach and branding of our content.
Through the medium of advertising people get information regarding new products. As people use these new and latest goods, their standard of living gets a boost. Advertising is helpful in providing employment and increasing income of the people. Both have a positive effect on their standard of living.
RWA activation helps brands in socio-economic targeting in the most efficient way.
Through SuperMarket advertising, by IM Solutions advertisers get the maximum viewership for their products and services within the desired market place.We provide supermarkets with unique services for their customers and create passive revenue streams for their market chains. Best Advertisement in Super Market Bangalore truly enhances shopper’s experiences while generating revenue for your bottom line and creating in-store branding opportunities without cost to the chain.
Advertisers get the maximum viewership for their products and services for desired demographics. RWA activation is the best form of hyper local marketing. According to the client’s requirement, we help them execute the campaign successfully. Advertisement in Cafes and Gyms activities are carried out in absolute professional terms where we provide them with clear statistics of each activity carried out with RWA.
Different Advertising Options — IM Solutions
Apartment Notice Board
Flyers Distribution
Emailer on Residents Database
Society Events
IM Solutions is the leading advertising firm with specialized resources to execute complete advertising space activation & branding options. We offer specialized solutions for advertising spaces like Multiplex, Malls, Gyms, Corporate parks, Food courts, Salons, Hyper Market, Cafes, Restaurants & Out of home Media Like Hoarding,Cab Bus Branding Auto Rickshaw, Airport, Promotions etc.
Visit us for more information
Corporate Office:#252, 4th floor, V.K Pride Building, 14th Main, Sector 7, HSR Layout, Bengaluru, Karnataka
Phone: +91-8880564488
Branch Office:214, South West Block, Near Ram Mandir, Alwar, Rajasthan