
Too early or even premature ejaculation is a problem thataffects a large number of men and increasingly women. The basis of satisfying loveis a sufficiently long-endurance, which is far from related not only tomaintain an erection use Fildena 100 atHimsedpills or vigorabut also to a man's ability to know, if necessary, to suppress the urge toorgasm, at least for a while.
Natural climax
Ejaculation in a man occursas a result of rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the urogenital system'smuscles, which results in the ejection of semen from the vas deferens, throughthe urethra and even through the tip of the acorn. It is a natural reflex thatis associated with reaching orgasm.
Statistics show that, onaverage, a man should reach orgasm around 6 to 8 minutes after the onset ofsexual stimulation. Of course, if orgasm occurs much later, it is also aproblem, but not if it occurs within the first minute, for example. The time toorgasm is individual for each man and is influenced by several factors.
Here are the most importantones:
· libido, orcurrent physical appetite get Fildena 200
· method ofgenital irritation and sensitivity to such irritation
· number ofrepetitions of orgasm in the previous time
· Healthy urinarytract conditions such as infections are a negative factor
· possiblephysiological disorders or deformities of the organ
While the last twomentioned factors only need to be addressed together with the doctor, the firstthree can be influenced by their actions by the man or his partner. The resultcan be a delay of ejaculation by a few minutes, which can be the differencebetween success and failure.
Decreased sensitivity
The first way is to reducethe sensitivity of the penis to sexual stimulation and stimulation. For thispurpose, you can try, for example, a glass of wine, which will directly affectyour perception of sexual stimulation in the brain. However, do not overdo itwith the amount. One cup is, if you have more, the opposite effect can occur,precisely the problem of maintaining an erection.
Local agents also work verywell to reduce sensitivity. These are most often condoms, whether classic orthose that are impregnated with an anesthetic. Lubricating and intimate gels,which are applied directly to the penis, also work on a similar basis.
Change the method of irritation.
The second option, which isalready in the hands of a partner than a man, is to change the way ofirritation. In this case, it is mainly an interruption of intercourse orinterruption of another form of stimulating the penis. A break will allow a manto reduce his excitement and delay the top.
The second option is toalternate between stimulation and irritation, the woman should, for example,pay attention to less erogenous zones, or she can give the man a gentle massageand the like. In this way, a certain level of arousal is maintained. Still, achange in the stimulation method or a difference in the stimulation techniquewill not reach the maximum level.
Exercise and training
It is said that trainingmakes a master, which is true even in the case of delayed ejaculation. The besttraining, in this case, is masturbation. But be careful not to misinterpret it.Your goal will not be to reach the climax, but on the contrary, not to reach it.
The principle is simple:start masturbating and stop when the climax is approaching. When masturbating,alternate speed, movements, and grip. This approach will allow you to"train" your ejaculation so that you can interrupt the rising arousalat any time and thus arbitrarily delay reaching orgasm.
Pills - but with the power ofnature
The most convenient way todelay ejaculation is to use nature's power in combination with the modern formof tablets. Fildena 150mgand Fildena 120offer such a solution, as it works to prolong the time of erection and erectionand thus delay the climax. All without any artificial additives or chemicals.
On the contrary, thisresult is achieved by combining plant extracts, chili extract, and amino acidsaffecting the better blood supply to the genitals. The product is enhancederection quality, optimization of libido, and prolongation of sexualintercourse. Of course, it is best to combine all the above methods. The resultwill be even better!