
Is there anything more frustrating than laying awake at night without getting the sleep you know that you need? Unfortunately, insomnia is a widespread problem in our society. Scientists believe that the fast rhythm of modern life may be to blame for the epidemic of sleep disorders in the past few years. As more and more of us suffer from anxiety, we find that sleep also escapes us. I. n time, sleep deprivation can severely affect our mood and our ability to function
While it may be tempting to ask your doctor for sleeping pills, these are a short-term and potentially harmful solution. Instead, we recommend natural remedies that prepare your body for sleep using just plants or exercise. Keep reading to find out 5 simple but very effective natural remedies against insomnia.
1- Stretch before going to bed
Something as simple as stretching before you go to bed can really help with insomnia. When our bodies feel tense, our brain gets the message that it needs to look out for danger. As a result, anxiety can keep us ut at night. The opposite is also true. When our bodies are fully relaxed, this sends a message that it’s safe for us to fall asleep and stay asleep. So before going to bed, it’s very important to make sure your body is as relaxed as can be.
You can create a little night-time stretching routine in just a few minutes. In the hour before you go to bed, dim the lights and turn off all of your electronics. You may also want to create some gentle scents by lighting some incense or a candle. On the floor or on a yoga mat, start by doing some gentle neck stretches. Move on to back stretches and leg stretches. Remember that all your stretches should be light and pleasant. Never push yourself if you start to experience sharp pain. You’ll be amazed at how much good a 10 or 15 minutes stretching session can do for you!
2- Use a pillow spray
Certain scents can help us fall asleep naturally. For example, research has shown that smelling lavender or chamomile before bed increases sleepiness. We’re not sure how these molecules work exactly—but we do know they can work!
You can make your own pillow spray by mixing 10 to 20 drops of essential oils in a cup of witch hazel. Put this mixture in a spray bottle and spray it on your pillow as you’re about to get into bed. Alternatively, you can also find ready-made pillow sprays with gentle scents of lavender and herbs.
If you’re the type of person who wakes up in the middle of the night because of insomnia, consider spraying your pillow again each time you wake up. Overtime, your body will start to associate the smell of these essential oils with sleep, making them even more powerful.
3- Take CBD oil or CBD gummies
When gentle stretches and aromatherapy aren’t enough to help you sleep, it’s time to get out the big guns. CBD is a molecule naturally found in hemp, which has strong sleep-promoting and anxiety-relieving properties. There have been dozens of studies showing that CBD can help you fall asleep, and stay asleep. For example, this 2019 study found that people who took CBD on a daily basis for a couple of weeks experienced increased sleep quality.
Scientists believe that CBD helps you sleep by releasing anxiety-relieving messages into your endocannabinoid system. Whether you take CBD oil, take CBD gummies, vape CBD, or use a cream, the effect is the same. CBD molecules reach your endocannabinoid receptors, sending signals that help to relax your body and mind.
Strictly speaking, CBD doesn’t make you sleepy. However, it can help to relax you enough for sleep to take over. And in the majority of cases, this is enough to fight even strong insomnia.
If you’re new to CBD, we recommend starting out with a moderate amount. Depending on your weight, you may want to get started with 10 to 25mg servings. Carefully observe how it affects your sleep. If you don’t notice a significant difference, you can progressively increase the amount until you find a dose that really works for you.
4- Get up and do something
When we awake in the middle of the night, our first thought is usually “let’s stay in bed until sleep takes over again”. But this isn’t actually the smartest way to go about insomnia. In fact, most people claim that they find it easier to fall asleep again if they get up and do something.
For example, you can leave your bed and go read in the kitchen for a bit. Or you can spend a half hour on a jigsaw puzzle. Avoid “exciting” activities like doing sports or looking at screens. Instead, focus on calming activities that still feel like you’re “doing something”. When you go to bed again, you’ll be a lot more likely to fall asleep fast.
5- Exercise more throughout the day
Have you ever come back from a long hike and slept like a baby? Studies show that vigorous exercise during the day can help us get much deeper sleep at night. So while it’s not recommended to exercise directly before bed, it’s still a great idea to incorporate more movement in your day. Even a morning jog can make a big difference by the time you go to bed at night.
For better results, privilege activity that really makes you break a sweat. If you go for a run, make sure it’s a vigorous run. Other vigorous sports can include playing tennis, lifting weights, boxing, or going to a spin class. Pick something that you love and try to exercise at least twice a week. With time, your sleep will start to get more regular, deeper, and insomnia might become a distant memory.