A tasty mixed salad or fresh fruit salad is a riot of colours. But they are also a concentrate of substances that are beneficial for health. Eating fruit and vegetables in full colour is a healthy habit. This is because, in addition to the precious content of water, vitamins, mineral salts and fibres, fruit and vegetables contain special protective coloured substances. These are compounds that provide vitality and well-being to your body. In addition, they strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases. With Fruit Salad Near Me, you can make smoothies and shakes also.
Colour groups
The different colours can be classified into 5 groups:
- blue-purple,
- green,
- white,
- yellow / orange,
- Red.
During the day, it is essential to rotate the different colours to obtain the greatest benefit from each group. So they choose 5 other colour portions every day. This good practice also leads us to vary the normal food consumption for a healthy lifestyle. If you can’t take chopped fruit, you have to take Fruit Flavored Water or juice that will work the same as chopped fruit.
Portions of fruit and vegetables to eat in colour
For a portion, they mean a fruit (or 2-3 small fruits), a cup of fruit salad, a glass of juice or Banana Strawberry Smoothie. And then a salad, half a plate of raw or cooked vegetables.
Guide to the colours of well-being
Here are the fruits and vegetables grouped by colour.
- Blue-violet
Aubergines, radicchio, figs, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, currants, plums and black grapes. These are foods rich in anthocyanins, beta-carotene, vitamin C, potassium and magnesium.
- Green
Asparagus, basil, beets, broccoli, cabbage, artichokes, cucumbers, lettuce, rocket, parsley, spinach, zucchini, white grapes and kiwi. Such foods contain beta-carotene, magnesium, vitamin C, folic acid and lutein.
- White
Garlic, cauliflower, onions, fennel, mushrooms, apples, pears, leeks and celery. These products guarantee a contribution of polyphenols, flavonoids, sulphur compounds, potassium, vitamin C and selenium.
- Red
Watermelons, blood oranges, red beets, cherries, strawberries, peppers, tomatoes, radishes and pomegranates. These foods contain lycopene and anthocyanins.
- Yellow / Orange
Oranges, lemons, mandarins, grapefruits, melons, apricots, peaches, medlars, carrots, peppers, squash and corn. These are foods rich in flavonoids, beta-carotene, vitamin C and potassium.
The amount of fruit and vegetables consumed daily should be five servings. But their colour is also important. The appearance of fruit and vegetables depends on their antioxidants and pigments. In addition to conferring precious health properties, these compounds also give specific colours that are very lively and inviting.
Eating fruit is good for the skin and helps tanning.
Eating yellow and orange fruits is the secret to transforming a healthy diet into natural beauty care for skin that has just been exposed to the sun. The credit goes to beta-carotene, present in fruit, which in the body is converted into vitamin A, known for its protective action against sunlight. And to promote the production of melanin that gives and prolongs the classic tan. Furthermore, summer fruit is one of the richest sources of vitamin C, one of the most powerful antioxidants, protecting the eyes and skin by intervening in collagen formation. For more information, you can contact Fruit Salad Delivery Near Me services.