
Satta king, Sattaking, Satta king 2020, Satta
The Satta King is the most excitingboard game ever invented and it has been making waves in many countriesworldwide. The Satta King is a new kind of a casino game that has been designedby Rajesh Vaidya and is an interactive version of the classic game 'Monopoly'.If you have never heard of this game then you are in for a treat, as it is fastbecoming one of the hottest games around.
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The Satta King is not just a version ofMonopoly. Unlike the Monopoly game where you have to buy the property frombanks and get properties to rent out, here you are given a certain number ofproperties at a single price and have to rent them out to people to earn money.The properties that you have chosen to rent out can be put to different usessuch as housing people, providing jobs and earning money.
The rules of the Satta Kingare simple and are designed so that all players can master them quickly withoutany hassle. The basic rule of the game is to make sure that you have enoughcapital to buy the properties and at the same time rent them out and earn moneyfor yourself.
One of the interesting features of SattaKing is that there are no houses, as you might find in the traditional versionof the game. The concept behind this is that your property will be locatedinside of a virtual city and you will need to build houses to live inside thevirtual city. If you have too many houses then the people who live in thatparticular city will not like that and would prefer to move on to another one.
You are provided with a lot of tools for buildinghouses and the best thing about it is that the houses in Satta Kingare virtual real estate and therefore it is possible to invest real money intoreal estate in the same virtual world. The other thing about the game is thatunlike conventional versions of Monopoly you do not have to worry about payingtaxes on the real estate. This is because the virtual city you live in is taxfree and you do not have to pay taxes on the property that you are renting outto earn money. Here, you would be able to save a lot of money.
Apart from being a game that you can playwith your friends and family members, the Satta King also offers you a veryconvenient mode of playing it online. You will be able to enjoy the game with alittle bit of patience, as there are no stressful and long drawn out processesinvolved. In fact you can start playing the game right away and play a fullgame of Satta King within minutes.
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