Pumped Hydro for Queensland
Pumped Hydro for Queensland
You may not be wanting to build giant hydro dams, but you can still contribute to the environment by installing solar at home.

Pumped Hydro for Queensland



Queensland premier Annastacia Palaszczuk recently announced a $62 billion Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan, which is aimed at delivering cheaper, more secure and cleaner energy to the state. With lofty renewable energy targets in place, the plan is set to support the race to be completely renewable as a state.

Queensland, thanks to its abundance of sun, is already a massive player when it comes to residential rooftop solar but there are even bigger goals in mind and pumped hydro is set to play a big role.

What’s the plan all about?

The overarching targets that the plan is working towards are 70% of Queensland’s energy supply coming from renewable sources by 2032, and 80% by 2035. What’s different about these targets when compared to the more vague federal renewable commitments is that they will actually be legislated.

Some highlights of the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan include the construction of two huge pumped hydro facilities. One will be at Pioneer/Burdekin and the other at Borumba Dam. It’s expected that these sites will be completed by 2035.

There are also plans for a ‘Super Grid’ to connect solar, wind, hydrogen and battery generators across the state. This should result in 22 gigawatts of renewable energy capacity.

Interestingly, especially for those campaigning against the use of coal-fired energy, Queensland also plans to convert all of its coal-fired power stations into clean energy hubs by 2035. Premier Palaszczuk stated that by 2032, the state would be at 70% renewable energy. When the larger pumped hydro station at Pioneer-Burdekin (known as The Battery of the North) comes online in 2035, the state will have no regular reliance on coal and be at 80% renewable energy.


Jobs boost for Queensland

For those worried that the removal of our reliance on fossil fuels would result in people losing their jobs, this couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s estimated that 100,000 new jobs would be created in regional Queensland by 2040 as a result of renewable energy projects. There are countless projects already underway all across the state, from solar and wind farms to pumped hydro, opening up plenty of opportunities for energy workers to also switch their career focus to renewables.

Need assistance with solar for your home?

You may not be wanting to build giant hydro dams, but you can still contribute to the environment by installing solar at home. You’ll also save plenty of money, and with costs decreasing for solar panels and batteries, now is the time to take charge of your energy bills again. Contact Accord Electrical today, and we’ll be more than happy to provide you with a range of solar options.

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