
If you’re a homeowner experiencing drainage issues in your landscaped yard, you’ll know only too well how frustrating this can be, and how costly it can be to rectify. Typically, drainage problems don’t go away on their own, and without a solution to the drainage problem and proper grading, your landscaped yard will continue to suffer from extreme wet and dry conditions, along with the possibility of structural challenges, too.
With this in mind, let’s take a closer look at how landscape drainage can save your yard from a watery death:
Landscape drainage
If your landscaped lawn is continually suffering from drainage problems, the simplest and most effective way to tackle this, is by redirecting the surface water away from your home. This can be done with the help of a professional landscaping company, in which all of the land, walkways, patios and driveways are meticulously graded to slope away from your home, redirecting the flow of water safely away.
Grading is a vital element of landscaping, and is proven to be a highly effective way to prevent water from pooling close to a property.
Could your home benefit from grading?
If your landscaped yard or garden slopes down in the direction of your home, then there’s a strong possibility that it will need to be re-graded by a professional landscaping company in order to address problems with water flow which will inevitably occur, if they haven’t already.
A landscaped garden without effective grading and drainage, will cause rain to accumulate and stand in puddles, and the same goes for any water flowing off of your roof and running down gutters. Standing water can very quickly become a serious structural concern, especially when it builds up close to hardscaped features such as decking or the foundations of your home.
What else can be done to combat standing water?
Drainage ditches known as swales can also be created (only by an experienced landscaping company, however) to help alleviate any issues with drainage around your home. By leading surface water to a lower elevation on your home, such as a street gutter or nearby wooded area, a swale can help enormously with drainage, and when coupled with landscape grading, can help any surface water from the drainage system, simply dissipate.
Swales and grading are also useful when combined, for directing the flow of water to a landscape drain with a grate cover, designed to take run-off water and when set at a lower elevation, drains capture water in a container before directing it through a pipe to a garden or natural pond, for example.
Whether pipes are needed to create an effective drainage system at your home will be a matter for the landscaping professionals to assess.
Should your landscape design include grading?
Grading can be combined with landscaping design to create an aesthetically pleasing, functional yard or garden, and while it makes sense to include landscape grading in your original design, there is the possibility in some circumstances, of it being graded after the landscaping has been completed, should the need arise.
Why risk ruining your landscaped spaces by not addressing grading and drainage issues early on? Talk to a trusted landscape gardening company about ways to improve water flow in your landscaped yard or garden, or to discuss landscaping techniques that can prevent them from ever becoming an issue.
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