
What is hair loss in children?
Hair loss in children may have different patterns of hair loss in adults. For example, male pattern baldness, or pattern baldness, is the most common cause in adults. In kids, regular causes incorporate parasitic or bacterial contaminations, telogen emanation (stress-related going bald), and footing alopecia.
Be that as it may, the most widely recognized reason for hair loss in kids is scalp ringworm, which is a treatable contagious contamination. Specialists can treat most reasons for hair loss and can frequently switch it.
This article covers the possible causes of hair loss in children, other symptoms, and treatments. It also discusses when to see a doctor.
What can cause hair loss in a child?
Hair loss in children is often caused by an infection or other scalp problem. Here are some of the more common reasons.
Tinea capitis
This scalp infection spreads when children share personal items such as combs and hats. It is also known as scalp ringworm, although it is caused by a fungus.
Babies with ringworm develop patches of hair loss with black dots as the hair breaks off. Their skin may turn red, scaly, and bumpy. Other possible symptoms include fever and swollen glands.
A dermatologist can diagnose tinea capitis by examining your child's scalp. Sometimes a doctor scrapes a small piece of affected skin and sends it to a laboratory to confirm the diagnosis.
Tinea capitis is treated with an oral anti-fungal drug for about eight weeks. Using antifungal shampoo with oral medications will prevent your child from spreading the virus to other children.
Alopecia areata
Alopecia is an immune system malady that causes going hair loss. Your insusceptible framework assaults the follicles from which hair develops. About 1 in 1,000 children have a localized version called alopecia areata.
Alopecia areata comes in different forms, depending on the pattern of hair loss:
Alopecia areata: Bald patches form on a child's scalp
Alopecia totalis: loss of all the hair on the scalp
Alopecia areata: All body hair is lost
Children with alopecia areata may become completely bald. Some lose their body hair, too.
Specialists analyze alopecia areata by looking at your kid's scalp. They may remove some of the hairs for examination under a microscope.
There is no cure for alopecia areata, but some treatments can help regrow hair:
corticosteroid cream, lotion, or ointment
With proper treatment, most children with alopecia areata will regrow hair within one year.
Trichotillomania is a disorder in which children forcibly pull their hair. Experts classify it as a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Some kids pull their hair out as a kind of editing. Others do not realize that they are doing this.
Babies with this condition have patchy areas of lost and broken hair. Some babies eat the hair they pull and can develop large balls of undigested hair in the abdomen.
The hair will grow back once the kids stop pulling it out. Cognitive behavioral therapy teaches children to become more aware of hair pulling. This therapy helps them understand the emotions that trigger the behavior so that they can stop it.
Telogen effluvium
Telogen is part of the natural hair growth cycle when hair stops growing and resting. After that, the old hair falls out to allow new hairs to grow. Usually, only 10 to 15 percent of hair follicles are at this stage at any given time.
In children with telogen effluvium, more hair follicles enter the telogen phase than normal. So instead of losing 100 hairs a day as usual, children are losing 300 hairs a day. Hair loss may not be noticeable or there may be bald spots on the scalp.
Telogen effluvium usually occurs after a severe event, such as:
very high fever
intense emotional trauma, such as the death of a loved one
severe injury
Once the event has passed, the baby's hair must grow back. Full regrowth can take six months to a year.
Nutritional deficiency
Good nutrition is essential for a healthy body. When babies do not get enough vitamins, minerals, and protein, their hair can fall out. Hair loss can be a sign of eating disorders like loss of appetite and bulimia, as well as a side effect of a low-protein vegetarian or vegan diet.
Deficiency of these nutrients can contribute to hair loss:
protein and amino acids
Taking too much vitamin A can also lead to hair loss.
Your child's pediatrician can suggest a healthy eating plan or prescribe a supplement to make up for a nutritional deficiency.
The thyroid organ is an organ in your neck. It secretes hormones that help control metabolism in the body.
In hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland does not produce enough of the hormones it needs to function properly. Symptoms include:
weight gain
dry hair or hair loss all over the scalp
The hair loss should stop when your child is treated with thyroid hormone medications. But it may take a few months for all of the hair to regrow.
Babies who receive chemotherapy will lose their hair. Chemotherapy is a powerful drug that kills rapidly dividing cells in the body - including those in hair roots. Once the treatment is finished, your child's hair should grow back.
Nonmedical Causes of Hair Loss
While many causes of hair loss require a doctor's attention, others will resolve on their own over time. These include.
Newborn hair loss. Many newborns lose their hair during the first few months of their lives, and babies' hair is replaced by permanent hair.
rubbing. Between 3 and 6 months of age, many babies have a bald spot caused by contact with a child's bedding or car seat. Once your baby begins to sit still, any lost hair should return.
Hair abuse. Heavy combing or pulling hair into tight ponytails or braids can cause them to fall out. Being gentler with the hair will allow it to grow back.
There are numerous reasons for going hair loss in kids. If you suspect a medical problem or have any concerns about hair loss, it is important to contact your pediatrician.
What Can Doctors Do?
If you see a doctor about hair loss, he or she will ask you questions about your health and the health of your family (your medical history). The doctor will examine your scalp, take hair samples and test for some medical conditions that can cause hair loss.
If a medication is causing your hair to fall out, ask a doctor if you can switch to a different medication. If your hair loss is caused by an endocrine condition, such as diabetes, thyroid disease, or female pattern baldness, appropriate treatment and control of the underlying disorder is important to reduce or prevent hair loss.
If recommended by your doctor, a product like minoxidil can increase hair growth in male and female baldness. Alopecia areata can be helped by using corticosteroid creams or injections into the scalp. If your doctor thinks nutritional deficiencies are causing your hair loss, he or she may refer you to a dietitian or other nutritionist.
Prevention of alopecia or hair loss
Be careful when combing, brushing, and shampooing your child's hair, as pulling too hard on the hair strands can cause hair loss. Also try not to make the horse's braids or pigtails too tight. Avoid using hair relaxers or chemicals on your child's hair.
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