
An individual's hair greatly influences their personality. Numerous hair concerns, such as hair loss, hair thinning, and baldness, affect the look and lower an individual's self-esteem to a greater extent. These hair problems can be incredibly devastating, especially for those who have to appear on the screen regularly and for those whose profession demands a well-groomed look. The best choice available for them is Hair Transplant. A hair transplant is an intimidating procedure for many individuals. One of the main reasons is the lack of information on the myths and claims about the procedure shared on the internet.
To provide one with helpful information, here are the common misconceptions about hair transplants debunked by Dr. Akangsha Sharma, one of the Best Plastic Surgeons in Jaipur at AK Aesthetics.
Busting Common Myths of Hair Transplant
Myth 1: Hair Transplant Results Appear Unnatural
Fact: Due to technological advancements and techniques, hair transplant looks completely natural. The best results are delivered with FUE hair transplants since they leave no scars and produce natural hair growth. Ultimately, the surgeon's skills and experience determine the outcome and appearance of a hair transplant. It is a very specialized technique that requires teamwork. The results appear natural when the team knows where to insert each hair follicle and how to customize it based on the patient's hairline.
Myth 2: Hair Transplants are Only Successful in Young Men
Fact: Many individuals believe that hair transplants can be performed only on younger and healthier men. This is entirely the opposite. Hair transplant procedures are effective later in life, generally after age 25, when most hair growth has occurred. It is difficult for the surgeon to determine the future boundaries of hair thinning. If the procedure is carried out too early, hair loss may continue, leaving one with an unnatural appearance. For best results, one can book an appointment with Dr. Akangsha Sharma, who offers the Best Hair Transplant in Jaipur, to know if one is an ideal candidate for hair transplantation.
Myth 3: Hair Transplant is a Painful Procedure
Fact: The latest advancements in the cosmetic industry have made hair transplant procedures relatively painless as the complete procedure is done under the influence of local anesthesia. So, one can be assured entirely as they won’t face any pain during the process till the effect of anesthesia remains. Once the impact of local anesthesia finishes, one might face slight discomfort in the area where the hair transplant was performed. But the pain is easily manageable with the medications prescribed by the surgeon. Also, one does not have to be admitted and return home on the same day.
Myth 4: Hair Transplant Gives Immediate Results
Fact: No, a hair transplant can not give immediate results overnight. After three weeks of the surgery, the transplanted hair frequently begins to fall out, but the permanent hair root is still there. These roots typically take 4-5 months to grow and 8–12 months for maximum growth. One must therefore remain patient and recognize that the transplanted hair also undergoes the three growth phases of anagen, catagen, and telogen, just like natural hair.
Myth 5: Anyone Can Opt for a Hair Transplant
Fact: Contrary to popular belief, not every individual is eligible for a hair transplant. Various factors determine eligibility, including age, health, and future success. Since it is an expensive procedure, one does not undergo a hair transplant without some guarantee of success. That is why there are limitations to who can and cannot undergo a hair transplant. The hair transplant surgeon will also perform a thorough physical examination to ensure that there won't be any long-term negative consequences on the patient's health. Only after this consultation can the surgeon decide if one’s type of hair loss is suitable to get the procedure done.
Myth 6: More Grafts Mean a Higher Success Rate
Fact: The number of grafts required is decided depending on the area of coverage. The surgeon determines how many grafts are needed after accessing the stage of baldness. Too many grafts will make one’s hair look patchy and the new hair “pluggy.”
Myth 7: Only Men Undergo this Procedure
Fact: Since men’s hair loss is quite common, most individuals believe that hair transplants are only for men. Both men and women have different patterns of baldness, and both may require hair transplants sometime or another. The results after hair transplantation are considered better in women because they can maintain long hair. The FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) procedures can be used for exceptional hair growth rates in both males and females.
Myth 8: One Does Not Require Additional Treatments To Prevent Hair Loss After Hair Transplant
Fact: This is untrue. Further hair loss cannot be stopped by hair transplantation. The only approach to prevent hair loss is through post-transplant medical treatment, which may include a range of topical lotions and ointments, oral pills, and PRP injections to address hormonal imbalances that lead to more hair loss.
Myth 9: Body Hair Transplant Leads to the Same Results as a Scalp Transplant
Fact: Most hair transplants take root from the back of the head, where the hair growth is dense. One might need to choose body hair if there are inadequate hair roots. This, however, is not a practical choice. Body hair grows more slowly and has a different texture. In areas where a person experiences maximum hair loss, body hair might give the impression of fullness, but it never feels the same.
Myth 10: Hair Transplant Can Affect the Brain
Fact: This is a significant myth. The proof that many individuals opt for hair transplants is a supporting fact. The brain is not harmed by hair transplant. The skin beneath the scalp is not in contact with the hair or scalp structure. Therefore, one does not have to worry about any negative consequences.
Thus, hair transplant is a successful technique that offers the best results. One must only remember to select an experienced surgeon who helps the patient get desired results. If one is suffering from hair loss or from baldness at any stage and wishes to boost their confidence, they can consult Dr. Akangsha Sharma at AK Aesthetics, one of the Best Hair Transplant Clinics in Jaipur.
Various procedures are performed at the clinic, chosen according to the patient’s scalp and desired results. This includes FUE, direct technique, FUT , and a combination of FUE and FUT. Apart from hair transplants, other procedures, including liposuction, arm lift, brazilian butt lift, abdominoplasty, thigh lift, acne treatment, pigmentation treatment, breast reconstruction, and many more, are also offered at the clinic.
To avail of the benefits of these treatments, one can pay a visit to the clinic.