
Dr. Rajiv S Dahiya also practices at 9102 Floyd Curl Drive, San Antonio, TX.
Dr. Raj Dahiya in Dallas as best best cancer doctor
As a board-certified radiation oncologist in the state of Florida and Texas, Dallas, Dr. Raj Dahiya is well versed in treating the most challenging tumors. Dr. Raj Dahiya has more than a decade and a half of clinical experience treating patients, with specialty knowledge of head and neck, skin, brain, and prostate cancers. In addition, Dr. Raj Dahiya has treated a variety of other complicated malignancies, including breast and gastrointestinal tumors.

He works with a careful oncologist or clinical oncologist to pick whether radiotherapy squeezes into a patient's treatment plan. For example, the quantity of radiation therapies required relies upon the area and sort of malignant growth and other clinical treatments you might get. It might likewise depend upon whether you have another bosom, lung, or prostate disease. Furthermore, your radiation oncologist will converse with you about the conceivable symptoms of expressive therapies before therapy starts.
Dr. Raj Dahiya has received his advanced training in stereotactic radiation surgery from the renowned. He has written numerous scientific papers and reviews on oncology, especially in the fields of head & neck, lung, and prostate or pharyngeal cancers. So first, the radiation oncologist decides the technique and portion of radiotherapy be taken from the patient.
Our specialists continually work on patients' fulfillment, prosperity, and families. Radiotherapy presented by our center incorporates external radiotherapy, which is utilized to treat carcinogenic cancers, and inward radiotherapy. Interior radiotherapy includes high-portion radiation being conveyed to the area using at least one embedded radioactive source where malignant growth has been removed. The therapy designs frequently include medical procedures, radiation, and chemotherapy, acting differently to guarantee the best quality and most helpful consideration.