
If you are looking for a colonoscopy procedure in Pune then Kaizen Gastro Care may be of great option for you.
Kaizen expert has recommended you for a colonoscopy if you’ve had blood in your stool or noticed any changes in your bowel habits. Also, the first question that comes to your mind is: What is a colonoscopy? Why was this performed? What is the purpose of doing this?
A colonoscopy is a diagnostic procedure used to examine the large intestine (colon) and rectum. It is an accurate way of detecting changes or abnormalities in the bowel, such as polyps which may develop into cancer. Tissue samples, called biopsies, can also be taken during a colonoscopy. If you are looking for a colonoscopy procedure in Pune then Kaizen Gastro Care may be of great option for you.
Dr. Vikrant Kale and the Kaizen expert team will often recommend investigating new bowel symptoms including::
Also, Dr. Vikrant Kale may use a colonoscopy to take a biopsy (removal of tissue) to look for the presence of disease.