
A DOT Certified SAP is a program that an employer may require an employee to participate in if the employee is found to have used drugs or alcohol. The purpose of the program is to help the employee get back to work and to avoid any further drug or alcohol use. The program may include drug testing, counseling, and education about the dangers of drug and alcohol use. The employee who fails may be required to sign a contract agreeing to participate in the program and to follow all the rules and regulations.
The DOT's Drug and Alcohol Testing Regulation – Part 40 requires covered employers to conduct testing of safety-sensitive employees for the use of five illicit drugs: marijuana, cocaine, opiates, amphetamines, and phencyclidine (PCP). The regulation also requires employers to conduct post-accident testing and reasonable suspicion testing. Reasonable suspicion testing may be conducted when a supervisor has a reasonable basis for believing that a DOT employee is using or has used drugs (FMCSA SAP Near Me).
The regulation establishes scientific and technical guidelines for drug testing programs, including specimen collection, laboratory testing, and medical review officer (MRO) review of laboratory results. The regulation also establishes procedures for employers to follow when an employee tests positive for drug use.
The goals of the DOT's drug testing program are to:
Deter safety-sensitive employees from using illicit drugs
Identify employees who use illicit drugs and provide them with assistance in getting them the help they need
Prevent employees who use illicit drugs from performing safety-sensitive functions
Protect the safety of the public by ensuring that safety-sensitive employees are not impaired by drug use.
A DOT Qualified SAP Near Me employee will find themselves in a situation that will keep them from being able to continue their work if they are found to test positive during one of these tests. If you have recently failed a DOT urinalysis then it is likely you are being informed that your one recourse is to submit to an SAP Assessment Near Me which is otherwise known as a DOT return to duty program. Looking to get back to it as quick as humanly possible? Then you've come to the right place. Let SAP Evaluation, LLC help you get back to your life. Call us at 1-800-683-7745.