
Why Obstetrics is necessary for the health of both you and your baby?
A mother's and her baby's health might occasionally be jeopardized during pregnancy. Obstetric emergencies are the name given to these situations. During pregnancy, labor, and delivery, an obstetric emergency may occur at any moment.
During pregnancy, there may be obstetric crises.
The following are examples of obstetric crises that might occur during pregnancy by Dr. joe mongelli:
As per Dr. Joe Mongelli miscarriage occurs when a baby is lost before the 20th week of pregnancy. Once a miscarriage has begun, it is impossible to halt it. Ectopic pregnancy, in which the fertilized egg implants in one of the fallopian tubes rather than the uterus, may need treatment for infection or removal of residual tissue (womb). The pregnancy cannot be continued, and therapy typically removes the tube. If the line splits due to the pregnancy, it may cause severe discomfort and bleeding. The woman's capacity to get pregnant in the future may be harmed if the tube is lost or damaged.
Placental abruption is a condition in which the placenta separates from the uterus before delivery, resulting in bleeding, discomfort, and contractions.
The placenta attaches to the bottom region of the uterus and partially or clogs the womb's neck in the placenta praevia. As a consequence, vaginal bleeding may occur during pregnancy for the mother.
Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia: Water retention produces severe edema in pre-eclampsia (or pregnancy-induced high blood pressure). It has the potential to cause renal and liver failure. Premature rupture of membranes (PROM) occurs when the bag of amniotic fluid bursts before contractions or labor begins. If the waters burst before 37 weeks of pregnancy, there is a severe risk of amniotic fluid leakage or infection of the amniotic sac. It may be dangerous for the woman and her baby if it advances eclampsia (convulsions).
During labor, there may be obstetric emergencies
Shoulder dystocia – when the baby's shoulders wedge in the delivery canal after the baby's head is born – is an obstetric emergency that may occur during pregnancy. The infant may begin to lose oxygen depending on its location as per Dr. Mongelli.
The umbilical cord is forced down into the cervix or vagina before the baby is delivered, resulting in a prolapsed umbilical cord. The fetus does not obtain enough oxygen if the chord becomes squeezed. You may suffer brain damage or maybe die as a consequence.
Placenta accreta is a condition in which the placenta is implanted too deeply in the uterine wall and cannot emerge after the baby is delivered.
Rupture of the uterus – when a weak point in the uterus rips in version of the uterus – when a piece of the placenta stays connected to the uterine wall and pushes the uterus out amniotic fluid embolism – when fluid from the amniotic sac (bag of waters) travels into the mother's blood This very uncommon issue may occur at any time during pregnancy. Still, it generally happens during labor and results in catastrophic consequences, including the mother's death.
What could go wrong with pregnancy?
A common reason for an early pregnancy issue is that the developing fetus has not connected correctly or formed. It indicates the baby will not develop, and the pregnancy will end in a miscarriage.
A miscarriage may happen several weeks into a healthy pregnancy for various reasons.
Other obstetric crises may be brought on by various events, including trauma or genetics. A woman's previous pregnancies might sometimes aid her doctor in identifying and preparing for potential difficulties.
What to check for if you think you're having an obstetric emergency?
The majority of pregnancy symptoms are unimportant, but a few need emergency medical treatment. You should call your doctor, midwife, or hospital immediately if you experience any of these symptoms. Please don't put it off until your next prenatal appointment.
Any bleeding during pregnancy is not normal; contact your doctor or midwife right once.
Heavily bleeding and significant stomach discomfort might indicate an ectopic pregnancy.
A miscarriage might be indicated by heavy bleeding, and cramps might indicate a miscarriage.
Placental abruption may cause bleeding and stomach discomfort in the final three months of pregnancy.
Constipation - this might be an indication of an ectopic pregnancy.
Dizziness — ectopic pregnancy or pre-eclampsia may cause dizziness.
Severe vomiting or illness — this might be a sign of pregnancy or the result of an infection.
Severe stomach ache — this might indicate pre-eclampsia.
Lower backache — this might indicate pre-eclampsia.