What Are The Few Pediatric Dental Emergencies?
What Are The Few Pediatric Dental Emergencies?
Tooth intrusion, tooth displacement and toothache are some of the common paediatric dental issues that require emergency dental consultation with a paediatric dentist.

The paediatric dental issues are not that easy to solve. No parent would want to witness their child suffer in any manner due to dental issues. That's why knowing about specific dental issues that affect the kids is the best way to be ready for any kind of dental emergency that may arise with your child. In this article, we shall discuss the most common paediatric dental issues that could be classified as an emergency, those requiring urgent treatment from the pediatric dentist Reston VA


Dental intrusion

Dental intrusion occurs when any trauma forces the tooth or multiple teeth upwards into the upper jawbone of the child. In some cases, the impact is so strong that it fractures the socket of the tooth or injures the ligament. In such cases, parents should immediately contact the paediatric dental emergency. After carefully checking the injury of the child, the paediatric dentist either performs the root canal procedure or allows the tooth to descend. After all, there are various ways in which the tooth can be preserved. 


Dental avulsion

Dental avulsion is a type of paediatric dental emergency wherein, the child's tooth gets knocked out from the mouth. In this dental issue, the parent must contact the paediatric dental emergency immediately. The paediatric dentist Reston VA will check the injury, stabilise the child's condition and provide appropriate treatment. If it is severe damage, then the dentist may not aim to reattach the knocked-out tooth. Doing so is more likely to damage the bud of the tooth and also affect the erupting adult tooth.


If there is a situation where you find the tooth and witness the event as it happened with your child, then you will need to visit the paediatric dentist. If the damage is minimal, the paediatric dentist will try to replant the tooth. However, this procedure would be possible only if the dental procedure is conducted within one hour of the avulsion occurring. Doing the implant within one hour will ensure the success of the reimplantation procedure.



Toothache is a very common issue among children. Some issues or the other always cause pain in the tooth or gums. If the child is experiencing persistent pain, then the parent needs to consult the paediatric dentist for emergency services. The main causes of toothache are any kind of dental trauma, tooth trauma or dental fractures. Before taking the child to the paediatric dentist, the parent can try to rinse the affected area with warm water. You need to also check the food they eat to find any possible causes for the toothache. Sometimes, foreign substances may also cause toothache. Therefore, you need to check the food they eat. 


Tooth displacement, luxation or extrusion

This issue occurs when the displaced tooth remains in the socket and has the pulp intact. If there is too much tooth protrusion, then it is due to the fractured jawbone. 

The extruded baby teeth are more likely to heal on their own and don't require any dental intervention. However, if the adult tooth is luxated, then you must consult the Reston paediatric dentist and get the tooth treated immediately. 


Crown fracture or broken tooth

The crown is often the most impacted by the trauma. If you suspect your child's tooth also has a crown fracture, then you need to immediately consult the paediatric dentist for a dental emergency. The dental x-ray done at the dental clinic helps get a confirmation of the severity and impact of the tooth fracture. The sure sign of warning is the change of the colour of the tooth. The tooth will become pinkish or yellowish.


If you want to find the best Reston pediatric dentist, you must visit the Optimal Dental Center today.

Resource Box - It is important to know about paediatric dental emergencies. Visit Optimal Dental Center to know more.