
Medical chairs used for treatment, assessment, and rehabilitation are known as Specialty Medical Chairs. A surgeon can access patients in the needed position or angle during therapy or surgery thanks to the specialist chairs' improved mobility, flexibility, and convenience. Throughout the process, the patient is on chairs that are really comfortable. By directing them as requested, doctors can use these chairs as needed in their own disciplines of healthcare. Either manually or using batteries powers these gadgets. They are utilized in a variety of settings, including ambulatory surgical facilities, hospitals, clinics, and more. Treatment chairs (ophthalmic chair, ENT (ear, nose and throat) chairs, dental chair, other surgical chair), as well as examination chairs (birthing chair, cardiac chair, blood drawing chair, dialysis chair, mammography chair Among specialist medical chairs are rehabilitation chairs (geriatric chair, pediatric chair, bariatric chair, toilet chair). A birthing chair is a piece of equipment that helps a mother keep her natural upright position while giving birth. A particular kind of medical chair called a cardiac chair helps patients recover from heart surgery and respiratory ailments more quickly. Blood samples are drawn in the blood drawing chair for a number of medical procedures. Similar to this chair, each specialised chair has a distinct function and meaning.
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