
This technique, which is a subset of mammography, creates 3D breast information by rotating the X-ray tube around a small angular from the compressed breast tissue. DBT pictures are produced by repeatedly exposing breast tissue to different angles and reconstructing the results as half-millimeter slices. The radiation dose to the patient is increased by 20% using this procedure, according to several studies, yet the likelihood of finding cancer rises by around 15–30%, and the likelihood of recall falls by about 15-20% Tom synthesis' key benefit is the ability to detect masses and lesions that may not be visible on a traditional mammogram because of overlap with dense breast tissue. Tom synthesis has a high sensitivity and a low rate of false-positive detections. Hence, the this approach will result in more precise staging of Breast Imaging. DBT is more effective than traditional mammography for detecting non-calcified lesions, though classified lesions also show comparable or superior outcomes. The recurrence rate has been decreased by up to 30% in the USA by combining digital mammography and breast tom synthesis. However, compared to conventional digital mammography, the radiation exposure in DBT is 8% higher. In conclusion, the main drawback of this approach is its low sensitivity in the identification of microcalcifications. DBT results in a 27% increase in breast cancer diagnoses and a 15% decrease in false-positive results. DBT often performs better in diagnosis and screening than mammography. However, it decreases the patient's capacity to recall
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