6 Self-Care Tips for Women to Boost Mental Health
6 Self-Care Tips for Women to Boost Mental Health
It's easy to become overwhelmed with life, especially in these seemingly busy and unstable times

But while we can't eliminate stress from our lives, we can develop healthy self-care mechanisms to cope. If your response is to shut down when life gets hard, it's time to prioritize proper self-care. Here are six easy and practical self-care tips for women to boost mental health. 


Meditation has risen in popularity recently, and for a good reason. The practice of meditation can produce a tranquil mind and a deep state of relaxation. Studies have even shown that, when practiced regularly, meditation can undo the damaging health effects of stress by calming the part of the brain responsible for the fight or flight response. Meditation also allows you to be more present, which can be hard to do, by focusing your attention on the here and now. It also eliminates thoughts that can be causing you stress. Not only does meditation, therefore, give your mental health a boost, but it can also enhance your physical well-being at the same time.

Go outside

Simply putting some time aside to go outside in the fresh air is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your mental health. Aim to get into the habit of getting outside every day, no matter how busy you are. Even if it's just for a few minutes at a time, spending time outside provides many health benefits. These include reduced stress levels, a better night's sleep, and a stimulated immune system. Want to go out more but find it difficult to motivate yourself? Treat yourself to a new pair of walking shoes to excite you to lace up, and go for a daily walk, jog, or run.

Connect with yourself

Don't ever dismiss the importance of periodically checking in with yourself and the mental health benefits it can provide. While it may seem obvious, we often don't always know how we are feeling, why we are feeling how we are, or address the root causes. Taking the time to ask yourself how you are doing allows you to evaluate where you are in your life, and if you are in a downward mental health spiral, the chance to get back in control. In the wrong place, mental health-wise? Allow this time to readjust your daily outlook and habits and try different coping mechanisms to get back on track. Some include making a list of achievements to look back on during low periods and keeping a gratitude diary or journal to note down and express your feelings. 

Take a digital break

Unplugging from screens, emails, and social media can do you a world of good and is one of the top ways to boost mental health. Even if you think that you aren't affected, studies have shown that social media is responsible for aggravating mental health problems, with even minimal use showing to increase feelings of depression and anxiety. So even if you think that scrolling through your Instagram feed is relaxing when faced with people's highlight reels, what's going on internally is a different story, and comparison and feelings of stress are inevitable. Take a break from your phone, iPod, laptop, etc. and go outside, connect with friends and family in real life, or take some time for a hobby such as reading, dancing, or painting instead. You don't have to get rid of social media or your phone completely - try to decrease the amount of time you spend on it a day, setting daily time limits or switching off notifications, and you'll see how your mental health improves.

Try out CBD products

CBD has had a meteoric rise in the past several years and has found its way into everyday health, beauty, and wellness products such as creams and lotions, bath oils, essential oils, and even in our food and drink. Studies have shown that CBD effectively alleviates anxiety - one of the most common mental health problems facing today, thanks to its many health benefits. While it doesn't work for everyone, investing in a good quality CBD oil, supplements, or CBD Gummies can be a great way to help you feel more relaxed and optimize your mental health. You can get high-quality CBD products from CBD gummies.

Exercise regularly

Being active and moving your body isn't just good for your physical health, but it's also a great way to give your mental health a boost. Exercising and getting your heart rate up releases the happy hormones serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins, improving mood. And the good news? It doesn't require hours at the gym every day. Going for a simple brisk walk, quick jog, taking part in a 30 minutes pilates class online, or doing a 20-minute circuit is enough to increase those happy hormones and feel good.

In short

Self-care is different for everyone, so it is essential to find what you enjoy and what makes you feel better. Whether it is meditation, taking a break from social media, exercising regularly, or trying out some CBD products to reduce stress and anxiety, self-care has never been more critical and is necessary for good mental health.