
Medical Inventory Management Software
The research reported here examines stroke survivor's views and experiences regarding participation in the Trial investigating the effects of high-rep hand-grip training on sub-acute stroke (ISRCTN 81668376). Discussion We conducted a qualitative study to investigate stroke survivors experiences with group-based, acoustic-music-based, community-based multimodal rehabilitation programs. With potential for improved functional outcomes even at the late stages of recovery after stroke, we designed a randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of two multimodal rehabilitation programs in a community setting. The main drivers of participation were the possibility to obtain additional therapies which might benefit their recovery, and the possibility that results might assist other stroke survivors in the future.
Within focus groups, clinicians highlighted having the time to access various resources as useful tools for developing stroke survivors involvement in their recovery and achieving goals. Clinicians acknowledged that some gains made by the stroke survivors in the program were related to increased confidence; not just in the ability to use their arms for tasks, but in trying out new tasks or skills, and persisting when not being immediately successful. The researchers used different measures of motor improvement in order to look at how much better a patient was at using one of their arms.
The study, published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, showed a substantial improvement on standard tests of stroke survivors following use of Language Therapy 4 In-1. Another study published in the journal Stroke by the American Heart Association compared a typical stroke treatment with one incorporating video games.
Whether the stroke patient used a common form of technology such as Nintendos Wii, or a more specialized system such as the SaeboReJoyce, video games were shown to be a hugely beneficial component to a stroke recovery program. Not only are video games an enjoyable way to recovery from stroke, a slew of studies show they are more effective than conventional treatments. A combination of playing specially designed video games and having regular visits with telehealth specialists may help individuals who have had a stroke regain the functions in the affected limbs just as well as conventional physical therapy.
Key Takeaways A video game played at home combined with regular telemedicine visits can help people who have had a stroke recover the functions in their weakened limbs just as effectively as physical therapy. Flint Rehabs most popular rehabilitation tool, the home-based FitMi Therapy, may help motivate the higher reps of exercises needed to achieve dramatic results. Individuals using home Stroke Rehabilitation Equipment are typically more motivated to regularly practice the exercises, and consequently, they experience improved mobility.
Stroke survivors who exercise on a daily basis benefit from the brain stimulation needed to recover. This Stroke Rehabilitation system by TheHealthScore is clinically proven to improve arm function within only 2 weeks. Introduction Recovery from stroke is typically incomplete, leaving one-third of all stroke survivors without the ability to use their hands for functional activities. Many individuals who suffer a stroke will lose some function on the affected side of the body.