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Tramadol 100mg has no distinct antagonistic effects. According to researchers, the development of addiction to Tramadol, it should be attributed to the group of strong painkillers with minimal potential for addiction.

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Tramadol 100mg has no distinct antagonistic effects. According to researchers, the development of addiction to Tramadol, it should be attributed to the group of strong painkillers with minimal potential for addiction. In therapeutic doses, it practically does not cause respiratory depression and cardiovascular disorders. The analgesic effect occurs quickly and lasts for several hours. The drug has an antitussive effect, does not violate the motility of the gastrointestinal tract (GI). The duration of the analgesic effect is 4-6 hours. Buy Tramadol 100mg online in case of body pains.


This drug is an effective pain reliever. It relieves pain attacks of different origins and different strengths, including significant ones. It is used in acute and chronic pain syndrome, acute injuries to prevent pain shock, during diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, after operations, as well as to relieve pain arising from cancer. It has a fast, strong, and long-lasting effect, like most synthetic opiates. However, it is inferior in efficiency to morphines. When switching from morphine to Tramadol, an increase in dosages is required.

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With mild pain, it is not recommended to take the following drug.


Buy Tramadol Online is not used if the patient is in a state of strong alcoholic intoxication. It is contraindicated in case of allergy to Tramadol, and it should not be used simultaneously with monoamine oxidase inhibitors.


Caution should be exercised when prescribing the drug to drug addicts or those who suffer a traumatic brain injury, epilepsy. Also, it should be cautiously prescribed in the case of abdominal pain of unknown origin.


Avoid long-term use, because it may develop resistance to it, and the effect of order Tramadol online will weaken. Drug dependence may also occur.


Use during pregnancy and lactation


Use with great caution, under the supervision of a doctor. There is no full confidence in its complete safety for the woman and the fetus.

Dosage and administration

Intravenous administration provides the fastest effect within 5-10 minutes. Oral administration will give the analgesic effect not earlier than half an hour. The action lasts from three to five hours.


If, after taking a single dose of Tramadol 50mg, pain relief does not occur within 30-60 minutes, a second single dose of 50 mg can be prescribed.


Do not exceed the recommended dosage, because a single dose of a large dose of Tramadol can cause drug dependence.


There may be increased side effects (hallucinations, retardation, tachycardia), and severe intoxication, which manifests itself in severe vomiting. Collapse, coma, convulsions, depression of the respiratory center may also occur. In case of overdose, the stomach should be washed, and enterosorbents should be diluted.

Side effect

If the dosage is not exceeded, then taking this drug rarely causes side effects. In rare cases, symptoms of nausea, dizziness, excessive sweating are observed.


Perhaps the emergence of withdrawal syndrome similar to that, as with the use of other opioids, can be predicted. These symptoms include agitation, anxiety, nervousness, sleep disorders, hyperkinesia, tremors, and disorders of the digestive system. Other symptoms are seen in rare cases after Tramadol withdrawal, including bouts of pain, severe anxiety, hallucinations, paraesthesia, tinnitus, unusual CNS symptoms (confusion, mania, depersonalization, environmental perception disorders, paranoia). You can buy Tramadol online without prescription on my site.


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