
Things needed to follow after a hair transplant surgery
Hair Fall Treatment in Udaipur is one of the most advanced treatment options available today. If you have ever heard of hair transplants, then you know that it is an invasive procedure that can be very dramatic and even risky. You would only undertake this if you are willing to go through with some pain and have no other options available to you. Hair transplantation has a long list of steps that need to be followed.
· First of all, stop smoking. Smoking can inhibit the growth of transplanted hair follicles.
· Second, make sure that you take care of your skin and keep it hydrated. The skin is one of the biggest obstacles for new transplanted hair to grow in properly. It's important to keep it clean and free from any damage so that the new follicles can attach themselves to it as well as possible.
· Third, eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water daily. Eating healthy will help ensure that your body gets what it needs for healthy immune function, which means that your new hair follicles won't be able to implant themselves into areas where there are microorganisms present (like in your mouth). Drinking enough water will also help keep your body hydrated, which is important because dehydration causes problems with the overall health of your body even if you're not drinking enough.
· We recommend that you don’t do anything strenuous for at least a couple of weeks after your procedure. This includes exercise or engaging in any strenuous activities like lifting heavy objects or running. Also, do not engage in any strenuous activities for at least a couple of weeks after the procedure.
· We also recommend that you apply the prescribed oral medications on time. As with any medication, it is important to follow the instructions from your doctor from Hair Fall Therapy Center in Udaipur when taking them.
· If you feel dizzy, such as when turning your head or quickly getting up from a seated position, it is best to sit down for a few minutes until you feel better.