
AED USA offers the most advanced and reliable automated external defibrillators (AEDs) on the market today. We offer an extensive inventory of new AEDs, accessories, and first aid/CPR/AED training to individuals and organizations throughout North America. Our products are designed with your safety in mind.
AED Battery Replacement and Cost Guide
AED batteries are the most crucial element in any Automated External Defibrillator (AED). Without a charged and operating battery, an AED will not be rescue ready and can’t shock a victim of sudden cardiac arrest.
What battery does an automated external defibrillator use? Is it possible to recharge an AED battery? If not, how often do I need to change my defibrillator battery? How much does a replacement AED battery cost? Because we are known as an AED superstore, we’ll answer all of your key questions in this blog post.