What is Cancer/Tumor Profiling , and how does it work? What are the different types of profilers that are used during the process?
What is Cancer/Tumor Profiling , and how does it work? What are the different types of profilers that are used during the process?
A technique that is becoming very popular in the diagnosis and treatment of cancers and other life-threatening diseases is cancer/tumor profiling. The use of tumor profiler in cancer diagnosis and treatments has become very common in recent years.

A technique that is becoming very popular in the diagnosis and treatment of cancers and other life-threatening diseases is cancer/tumor profiling. The use of tumor profiler in cancer diagnosis and treatments has become very common in recent years. A cancer/tumor profiling involves the use of several medical imaging technologies and special software to generate a picture of what the cancer is, how it is growing, where it is located, and how complex it might be. The pictures that are generated by these different tools can help the oncologist (cancer specialist) make a more accurate diagnosis and determine the best course of treatment for the particular cancer patient.

One of the most widely used types of tumor profiler is the CT scan. With a CT scan, the tumor or cancerous mass is easily seen in the images produced. Although it is very hard to detect during the first stages of the disease, with the help of the CT scan the oncologist can already see changes that might be cancerous in the early stages of tumor growth.

Another type of cancer/tumor profiling product is the x-ray. This particular type of scanner can provide images of the bone structure, vital organs, and so on. As mentioned, tumor growth is very hard to detect at this stage, therefore a lot of care is taken when diagnosing the disease. Any abnormalities that the x-ray can show will be checked by the oncology specialist.

A very common method of detecting the presence of a tumor is the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In this method, a very strong magnet is used to create a very strong magnetic field that will directly show any abnormal tissue areas within the body. The CT scan cannot directly show the areas of tumors and other problematic areas; the MRI can. There are also some machines that allow for combining both types of diagnostic tools.

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