
For your water management plant, sewage systems. There might be flooding, sewage backup, or other unanticipated effects if any of them fail. These problems are particularly difficult during times of severe rain since lift stations can overflow from the amount of water entering the system. It's crucial to know how well your systems are performing. However, you'll need to physically examine each station if a monitoring system isn't in place. That requires valuable time and can be very expensive. By using a telemetry-based monitoring system, you can keep an eye on each lift station without having to physically visit them. The sensors you have in place can alert you and provide information on how high the water levels are.
which stations are having trouble or need repairs right away. Other aspects of water management, such wastewater treatment facilities and sewage control, also make use Telemetry for Water Networks is used to measure water inflow and outflow, record overflows and their durations, keep an eye on water treatment systems, pumps, valves, and vents, and record overflows.
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