
Pros And Con list , A pros and con list is a chart that helps you make a decision. On the pros side of the list, you add all of the positiv
Pros And Con list :- YOURTIMES.IN
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Pros And Con list :- YOURTIMES.IN
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Pros And Con list , A pros and con list is a chart that helps you make a decision. On the pros side of the list, you add all of the positive outcomes of a decision. On the cons side, you add all of the adverse outcomes. It allows you to visualize different aspects of a decision and potential outcomes so you can make a more thoughtful choice.
In many situations, one side will have more points than the other, making the decision-making process easier. For example, you could make a pros and cons list to determine if you should ask for a raise. If your pros side is longer than your cons side, you could feel more confident in asking your manager for a raise.
You can create your own pros and cons list, or many online applications can assist with formatting. When creating a pros and cons list, choose the format that works best for you, whether it’s on paper, your phone or your computer.
To get the best results out of a pros and cons list, organize it and complete it in the following way:
At the top of the pros and cons list, write the decision you’re considering. For example: “Accepting position with Parakeet Inc.” Under that, create two columns. On the left, write “Pros.” Label the right column “Cons.” This format is why a pros and cons list is also referred to as a T-chart.
Before you begin filling your pros and cons list, consider the process that is easiest for you. Some people list a pro and then a con. Others prefer to generate all of the positives or negatives at one time and then switch to the other side.
Use whichever method complements the way your mind works. If you take the first approach, you are more likely to create a balanced structure, whereas the second approach may more clearly indicate your preferences as you may end with a higher number of reasons on one side than the other.
After you construct the T-chart, consider the benefits of your decision. Some advantages could be obvious and immediate, while you may discover others after careful thought and reasoning. Asking questions can help you realize some of the benefits associated with each outcome, such as:
The other side of the pros and cons chart should include reasons that this decision is not in your best interest. Again, some will be obvious, such as a long commute in traffic. Others will require you to examine your career goals. You can ask these questions to help you determine some of the cons:
In some instances, you may need to consider how the decision could affect others. Toward the end of your list, consider how others may feel about your decision. Try thinking about how your coworkers, manager, mentor and family members may feel about your decision or how it could affect them. Write these perspectives down as well.
Using the ideas above, we’ve created an example of a pro-con list for accepting a job offer. On the left are the benefits of accepting the position, and on the right are the things you’ll give up in this example:
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