
Businesses have made changes like swapping from single-use plastic bags to paper takeaway bags, and while it may not seem like a huge change, it will make big difference. So, if you want to know how you can make a change in the environment in 2022, keep reading!
Travel Smart, Not Less
You might think that you need to stop traveling as much in order to reduce your carbon footprint. While this is kind of true, you don’t need to stop traveling completely, as this is extremely impractical. However, you can change the way that you travel and make it a lot more eco-friendly. Instead of driving every single journey that you need to make, try taking alternative means of transport.
You could take public transport and get the bus or train a couple of times a week, drastically reducing your personal CO2 emissions. It’s also a good idea to walk journeys that take a couple of minutes in the car. A 5-minute drive can be a 15-minute walk, which is not only better for the environment, but it will also do your health some good too. So, you don’t have to cut out traveling places completely, but just try to make a smart decision about how you’re going to get there.
Shop Second-Hand and High Quality
We live in a world where you can have anything you want at any time, and this has led to an issue of overconsumption. This means we’re seeing people buying hauls and hauls of brand-new clothing from fast fashion brands and then dumping it into the trash when it inevitably breaks a few months later due to the poor quality. All of this clothing is then ending up in landfills and clogging them up for hundreds of years to come. The best way to combat this is by buying second-hand and high-quality clothing.
Second-hand clothing is generally a lot cheaper too, so you’ll be sure to find some excellent brands at low prices. You also want to make sure that when you do buy anything new that it's of high quality. You want your clothes to last you years at a time, not just a couple of weeks. So, if you want to help keep landfills clear, try changing how you buy clothes and you’ll be able to make a big impact.
Lower Your Meat Consumption
Meat consumption, while we may not like to admit it, is having a very damaging effect on the environment. Gone are the days when one whole cow would feed on family, and instead millions of cows are turned into different beef products every week. However, with so much overconsumption, there is still a lot of wastage too as not all of it can be sold as quickly as it’s coming in. So, to combat this, you can lower your meat consumption, even by the tiniest bit.
You don’t have to go full-on vegan either. Simply swapping one or two meals a week to be plant-based instead can make a huge difference. Why not check out your local supermarkets and see what veggie options they have? You can also head to social media for inspiration as well, so you can cook up something that’s not only eco-friendly but delicious.
Buy Local
Shopping locally is also important when it comes to improving your impact on the environment. Instead of constantly buying things from other countries, you’re causing more CO2 emissions as they have to be transported over. Similarly, you’ll be doing the same when you buy food from abroad too. Try to eat food that’s in season and is local to your hometown. So, instead of eating strawberries all year round, try to only buy them when they’re in their peak season.
You’ll find that they taste a lot better too! Buying local supports local businesses as well and allows you to give back to your community. This can have a much bigger impact on the environment too, as it enables local communities to sustain themselves which in turn decreases carbon emissions and boost sustainability. So, try buying more local products and foods, and you’ll be well on your way to making a change.
Looking after the environment doesn’t have to be complicated, and there are lots of small changes you can make that will have an impact. From lowering your meat consumption to changing how you travel; you can easily improve your lifestyle and make it eco-friendly. So, if you’re wanting to leave your mark on the planet in a good way, make sure you incorporate these tips into your daily life. You’ll soon be an eco-warrior who’s ready to tackle climate change!