
Extracts are all the rage these days, especially when it comes to eating healthy and getting the most out of your food. But have you ever stopped to think about why? It’s because extracts are packed with nutrients that help your body in many ways! They can even have anti-inflammatory properties and help prevent diseases and conditions like cancer! If you aren’t already adding it to your diet, you should try it as soon as possible – but be careful where you buy them! Make sure they’re 100% pure extract, rather than just water and flavouring added to some nuts.
Nutrient Density
One of the major benefits of extracts is that they are extremely nutrient dense. This means they pack a lot of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients into a small package. This makes them an excellent choice for people looking to increase their nutrient intake without having to eat a lot of food.
Low Carb
Many people think that low carb means giving up all their favourite foods. But with a little creativity, you can still enjoy all of your favourites – you just might have to get a little more hands-on in the kitchen. One way to do this is by using it.
No matter your dietary needs, there’s an extract out there that can help. Whether you’re looking for an energy boost, trying to lose weight, or just want to improve your overall health, it can provide the benefits you need.
They are a great way to go when it comes to adding flavour to your food. Whether you're looking for a little something extra in your coffee or want to add a new dimension to your baking, it can help. And because they're concentrated, a little goes a long way—so you don't have to worry about overdoing it. Plus, there's nothing artificial about them! They're made from the natural flavours of spices and herbs from their respective plant sources. Most extracts on the market are all-natural and gluten-free with no added sugars or artificial ingredients.
Fewer Calories
If you’re looking to cut down on calories, extracts can be a great way to do so. By using it in place of other ingredients, you can reduce the overall calorie content of your dish without sacrificing flavour. For example, using almond extract in place of oil can help lower the calorie count of your favourite recipe.
Tastes Great
Who doesn't love the taste of a delicious nut-based extract? They can add so much flavour to your favourite recipes! And they're not just for baking, either. You can use them in savoury dishes, too. Drizzle over salads or roasted vegetables, or whisk into sauces and soups. Nuts are also perfect for adding on top of oatmeal or pancakes in the morning.
Though they may be small, extracts pack a powerful nutritional punch. They're a good source of healthy fats, fibre, vitamins, and minerals. Plus, they can help you feel fuller longer and may even aid in weight loss. So next time you're looking for a snack, reach for an extract instead.