
When the temperature undergoes sudden shifts, our immune system finds it hard to react to it leading to certain illnesses. Cold weather is the peak time which makes you vulnerable to many viral infections and is collectively known as seasonal illnesses. Due to their high rate of transmission, it can get dangerous for people who have a weak immune system like children or the elderly. Prevention is the best way to protect yourself in such situations. Luckily, some ingredients that are available in your pantry are enough to guard your body against catching these ailments.
Power of turmeric
Turmeric, also known as Haldi, is that magic ingredient which can help you dodge seasonal illnesses. The best way to have it is in the form of a drink, called turmeric latte. Wondering how? Turmeric has a compound inside it called curcumin. It is a bioactive compound which gives a bright yellow colour to it. First discovered by scientists at the turn of the 20th century, its antibacterial power was found in 1949. Subsequent research revealed its other benefits like antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Having this drink every day is enough to prepare you against catching seasonal illnesses like cold, cough, joint pain and more. Have a look at how turmeric is so effective with its different benefits.
Boosts Immunity
Turmeric has been proven to boost immune system health and works best in cases of cough and cold. This is an age-old remedy and is still known to be widely used in most Indian households. Recently it has also gained popularity in the west. If you experience a cold or flu due to the change in weather, it is advisable to drink a glass of turmeric latte to keep these illnesses at bay.
Helps in Detoxification
During the winter season, it is a common tendency for people to eat more and this can cause problems with digestion. Since the body craves warm and comfort food this time, high-calorie dishes are eaten more which in turn leads to excess weight gain and digestion problems. Turmeric latte helps you aid in easy digestion while relieving gas and bloating.
Cures joint and muscle pain
The drop in temperatures can cause stiffness in muscles in your body and result in joint pains. The presence of powerful components in turmeric like curcumin has the power to bring relief from muscle pains. Whenever you experience muscle stiffness or pain, have a glass of turmeric latte to alleviate the effect and feel better.
Helps with sinus congestion
Turmeric by itself does not act as an antibiotic that will treat the infection that is the cause of sinusitis, but it can calm the symptoms to some effect. Drinking turmeric latte increases the mucus flow and lightens its texture, thereby giving instant relief. It also helps to reduce headaches caused by sinus due to its blood thinning ability resulting in better circulation.
How to make a turmeric latte
This drink can be easily made by yourself with a handful of ingredients or packaged ready-to-drink turmeric lattes are also readily available in the market. All you need is boiled milk and 10 minutes to make it. Though it is completely healthy, it is wise to consult with an experienced medical practitioner before having turmeric latte since drinking too much of it can cause serious health consequences.